This points to the two intriguing parts of the story. The first is the connection between the counter-culture and computing. The second is why the established players in the computing business failed to see the potential market for home computers. Then there is a third. Why did Apple succeed when many others in the same community, including members of the Homebrew Club, were also capable of building their own computers?

In a previous post I explained my frustration that in my history of Strategy I had failed to discuss the big tech companies that have had such a transformational effect on our lives. To remedy this situation a few years ago I began to do some reading and writing on the topic, which I found fascinating but realised that I was getting out of my depth. I had nonetheless explored the strategy behind Moore\u2019s Law and the microchip, which I shared in that post. In this second post I turn to another question which had intrigued me \u2013 was the invention of the Apple Computer really a blow struck by the counter-culture against the large corporations that dominated both the market for computers and American society in the early 1970s?

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The \u2018origins story\u2019 of the Apple computer is well known. Two talented youngsters emerged out of Northern California\u2019s febrile mix of computing and counter-culture. Steve Wozniak whose original design was the foundation for the enterprise grew up in the world of transistors and integrated circuits. He was designing calculators at Hewlett Packard, where his father also worked. Steve Jobs made his own Hewlett Packard connection when, as a 13-year-old, he rang Bill Hewlett for some parts for an oscilloscope he was making. Hewlett was sufficiently impressed to give him a summer job. Later he attended the HP juniors club where he saw \u2018my first desktop computer\u2019. Although it was essentially a \u2018glorified calculator\u2019 and \u2018huge, maybe forty pounds,\u2019 he later recalled, he found it beautiful. \u2018I fell in love with it\u2019.

The trigger for the first Apple computer can be identified precisely as 5 March 1975. Wozniak joined the opening meeting of a group of 30 enthusiasts and hobbyists known as the Homebrew Computer Club in Menlo Park, close to Palo Alto. The invitation stressed that the club was for people who were \u2018building their own computers, terminals, TV typewriters, I/O device, or \u2018some other digital black-magic box\u2019. They were gathered to consider Altair 8800, which had a claim to be the first personal computer. During the course of that evening Wozniak realised that he knew how to build a better home computer. When he went home he began work on a design which turned very quickly into the Apple 1.

Wozniak later spoke about the revolutionary talk surrounding groups such as the Homebrew Club. \u2018How people lived and communicated was going to be changed by us, changed forever, changed more than anyone could predict exactly\u2019. To do this they sought to bring \u2018computer technology within the range of the average person, to make it so people could afford to have a computer and do things with it\u2019. They imagined a world in which everybody owned a computer \u2018no matter who you were or how much money you made\u2019. This would be a \u2018benefit to humanity \u2013 a tool that would lead to social justice\u2019 and not just serve the interests of big companies. Those companies, such as IBM and Digital Equipment saw personal computers as toys and minor business. They \u2018didn\u2019t hear our social message. And they didn\u2019t have a clue to how powerful a force this small computer vision could be\u2019.

Black and Hispanic adults in the United States remain less likely than White adults to say they own a traditional computer or have high-speed internet at home, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 25 to Feb. 8, 2021. But there are no racial and ethnic differences when it comes to other devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Similar shares of Americans with different racial and ethnic backgrounds report having all of the technologies included in the survey. Around four-in-ten White (42%) and Black adults (40%) say they have a smartphone, broadband at home, a desktop or laptop computer and a tablet. Some 35% of Hispanic adults report the same, but this share does not statistically differ from their Black and White counterparts.

A superconducting microwave resonator (gold curves) can use microwaves (pale beam) to help control a single isolated electron (orange waves) trapped on a block of solid frozen neon (green block). The individual electrons, controlled by the microwave pulses, can then be harnessed as individual qubits to make a new kind of quantum computer, according to a new study in the journal Nature.

Quantum computers can theoretically find the answers to problems no classical computer could ever solve, but they rely on infamously unstable components known as qubits. New findings now suggests that electrons trapped on frozen solid neon could prove a simple yet powerful kind of qubit for use in future quantum computers.

Qubits, or quantum bits, rely on the bizarre nature of quantum physics, which suggests that electrons, atoms and other building blocks of the universe can exist in a state known as superposition where they are essentially spin in two opposite directions at once or exist in two or more places at the same time. By placing many qubits into superposition, a quantum computer can in theory perform a mind-boggling number of computations simultaneously.

Amazon, Google, IBM, and many others are racing to create a practical quantum computer from a variety of qubit platforms, such as superconducting loops, electromagnetically trapped ions and spins within silicon. However, all qubits are extraordinarily fragile to outside interference.

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iRacing is a PC racing game that is used by professional drivers and casual gamers alike. Whether you are looking for the best online racing on your computer or prefer to compete against yourself and the clock, iRacing has you covered. All you need to start racing is a computer, driving wheel or controller, and an internet connection. The PC racing game has been running professional eSports series for over 10-years and is focused on growing this category of sim racing.

A race condition or race hazard is the condition of an electronics, software, or other system where the system's substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events. It becomes a bug when one or more of the possible behaviors is undesirable.

A typical example of a race condition may occur when a logic gate combines signals that have traveled along different paths from the same source. The inputs to the gate can change at slightly different times in response to a change in the source signal. The output may, for a brief period, change to an unwanted state before settling back to the designed state. Certain systems can tolerate such glitches but if this output functions as a clock signal for further systems that contain memory, for example, the system can rapidly depart from its designed behaviour (in effect, the temporary glitch becomes a permanent glitch).

A practical example of a race condition can occur when logic circuitry is used to detect certain outputs of a counter. If all the bits of the counter do not change exactly simultaneously, there will be intermediate patterns that can trigger false matches.

A dynamic race condition occurs when it results in multiple transitions when only one is intended. They are due to interaction between gates. It can be eliminated by using no more than two levels of gating.

An essential race condition occurs when an input has two transitions in less than the total feedback propagation time. Sometimes they are cured using inductive delay line elements to effectively increase the time duration of an input signal.

Design techniques such as Karnaugh maps encourage designers to recognize and eliminate race conditions before they cause problems. Often logic redundancy can be added to eliminate some kinds of races.

A race condition can arise in software when a computer program has multiple code paths that are executing at the same time. If the multiple code paths take a different amount of time than expected, they can finish in a different order than expected, which can cause software bugs due to unanticipated behavior. A race can also occur between two programs, resulting in security issues (see below.) 2351a5e196

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