Vaping Vs Smoking - Battle Between Two Evils

If you've been thinking about trying to quit smoking, you're not alone. Almost 7 in 10 smokers say they want to stop smoking. one of the best things to live a healthier lifestyle is quitting smoking; smoking damages nearly every organ in your body, including your heart. Almost a third of heart disease deaths are due to smoking and secondhand smoke. Get a tele appointment with a doctor to get your heart function Checked. You may be tempted to switch to electronic cigarettes (cigarettes, vape pens, and other vaping devices) to have a smooth transition from traditional cigarettes to quitting smoking. But are e-cigarettes (also known as vaping) better for you when using tobacco products? Can vaping help you quit smoking once and for all? Talk to the best online doctor for better Consultation!

Side effects of Vaping

Similar to smoking, vaping also have severe side effects and risks. Scientists do not yet thoroughly research the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes, but they indicate that vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking. It involves breathing an aerosol containing several chemicals, including nicotine and aromas, through an electronic cigarette or other devices. Nevertheless, a 2018 survey found that vaping is becoming increasingly popular with teens. According to the reliable source of the American Heart Association (AHA), many people think that vaping is safer than smoking, but that is not necessarily the case. On the contrary, clear evidence suggests vaping is dangerous.

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance and can make it challenging to stop vaping once it is absorbed. Some harmful effects of nicotine include:

  • An increase in blood pressure, which increases the heart rate and increases the risk of a heart attack

  • Breathing problems

  • A decrease in the body's ability to fight cancer and decreased effectiveness of cancer treatment

  • Influences brain development in people under 25

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How are E-Cigarettes Harmful?

Electronic cigarettes without nicotine are not harmless. As there are juices without nicotine, these juices still contain chemicals harmful to health. Some side effects of these juices include irritation of the mouth and respiratory tract, inflammation of the immune system, and potential cell damage, especially in the lungs. Furthermore, juices without nicotine are not just flavored water vapor. These juices are aerosols and contain many dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, which is linked to the risk of cancer and infertility; acrolein and diacetyl, which can damage the lungs; and harmful metals such as lead and nickel. Despite the seemingly harmless sweet smell of steam pens, they mask equally toxic chemicals in juices. Without realizing the potential health risks, young people passionate about vaping are exposed to severe lung damage. Are you having irritation in breathing and having severe chest pain? Book a tele appointment with a doctor.

Can vaping help you quit smoking?

You've made the bold decision to quit smoking, and it's fantastic. However, if you hope that e-cigarettes will help you quit smoking, you should probably know that it is neither the most effective nor the safest method to quit smoking. Although electronic cigarette brands often market their products as an effective way to quit smoking, this claim is not recognized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, with insufficient evidence showing that electronic cigarettes are effective in helping smokers quit smoking, electronic cigarettes are not approved as a smoking cessation aid. The best online doctor can help you get out of your smoking addiction rather than choosing another addiction over it. One study found that 80% of smokers who switched to e-cigarettes to quit smoking end up smoking e-cigarettes even after one year. In other words, switching to e-cigarettes is simply replacing the addiction with a perceived more fashionable habit.

Healthier Ways to Quit Smoking

There are other clinically proven, healthier ways to quit smoking that can help you quit smoking effectively, including Nicotine replacement therapy, Non-nicotine medication. Quitting smoking takes planning and commitment, not luck. Make a personal plan to quit smoking and commit to sticking to it. Evaluate all options and decide whether you want to take a smoking online cessation course, book a tele appointment with a doctor, attend a support meeting, seek online support or a self-help guide, or use NRT or medication. A combination of two or more of these methods will increase your chances of becoming a non-smoker.

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