What Happens After You Get Composite Fillings In Your Teeth?

Composite fillings are typically used for repairing teeth with large holes. These fillings are a mixture of plastic and glass particles that are combined to create a colourless substance. In addition to appearing like your natural tooth, they also assist in oral health by resisting cavities and tooth decay.

There are many benefits to getting composite fillings. Allow us to explain the process and how this filling type works in your favour.

Your natural teeth are generally white in appearance when cared for well. Composite dental fillings are produced in a way to help you maintain this white and natural look of your teeth.

The natural tooth is composed of an outer layer of enamel and a centre of dentin. The composite resin acts as a filling to fill the space created by tooth decay. This will usually cover the entire cavity.

Composite fillings are a durable and reliable way of filling dental cavities. This reliability means the filling is likely to last long periods of time, helping you to truly restore your smile. Therefore, it may not come as a surprise that composite fillings are one of the most common dental procedures.

In addition to the visual and reliability benefits of composite fillings, they are also comfortable. Made of a mixture of glass and plastic substances, it is more gentle and comfortable in your mouth than the alternatives like metal fillings.

If you are looking for a dental filling solution that will last for years, then composite fillings may be the best option for you.

Why do Dentists Recommend Composite Fillings?

There are several reasons why dentists recommend Dental composite fillings. These include:


If we compare the cost of dental fillings to other solutions such as dental implants, composite fillings are far more cost-effective. They are a cheaper option that does not require surgery, and can provide excellent results to vastly improve your smile.

Lasting Solution

Composite fillings last for extended periods of time with the normal functions of teeth. It’s lasting nature makes it an excellent way to reverse tooth decay, and a main reason as to why it is so often recommended by dentists.

Natural Appearance

Composite fillings are colourless and able to blend well with the rest of your teeth. This provides an extremely natural appearance without having to replace the whole tooth.

If you are interested in improving your smile, the friendly team of professionals at Next Smile™ Gold Coast can provide you with quality composite fillings Get in touch with Next Smile™ today for more information.