Complexity Network: In-person meeting


University of Warwick

Department of Computer Science

10:00 - 17:00

We will meet in-person for a whole day of informal talks and discussions around computational complexity. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 2nd, at the University of Warwick. Lunch and coffee will be provided.

Location: Teaching Room 101 & Common Room, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick. 

How to get here? Take a train to Coventry or Leamington Spa, then a bus/taxi/Uber to campus. More information is available here.

Preliminary Program:

10:00  Gathering and coffee + brief introduction of participants (Common Room)

10:30  Open problems session (CS101)

11:30  Talk 1 (CS101)

12:00  Talk 2 (CS101)

12:30  Lunch (Common Room)

14:00  Short talks (15-20 minutes) and discussions (CS101)

16:00  Coffee, cookies, future plans (Common Room)

17:00  End of meeting