File Player

  To support the ROS community, a file player is provided to publish sensor data as ROS messages. New types of messages are redefined to deliver more information and are released via the GitHub web page. The stop skip checkbox enables/disables the skipping of stop motions of the vehicle due to stop signals. Also, functions, such as play/stop, pause, and play speed, are pre-built in the file player. Users can easily control data streams with the desired play environment. This program has been confirmed to work in the Ubuntu 16.04 ROS environment. 

  In order for the file_player to successfully load and publish data, the data should be in the normal position as shown in the below figure.

  The file player can automatically read the calibration data of the stereo camera and send the disparity image. To transfer the disparity image, change the stereo image proc from 'false' to 'true' in the launch file. To check disparity image, run 'rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/stereo/disparity'

Caution: If the data is on the hard disk, the file_player is slow to read the files and can not publish the data at the correct rate. To euse file_player, it is recommended that the data be located on a fast SSD.

  This data viewer shows raw sensor data and the transformed LiDAR data. To see the data using this viewer, the user needs to publish data using the file player.