This expression is obtained when we apply the Pythagorean theorem in a complex plane. Hence, mod of complex number, z is extended from 0 to z and mod of real numbers x and y is extended from 0 to x and 0 to y respectively. Now these values form a right triangle, where 0 is the vertex of the acute angle. Now, applying Pythagoras theorem,

There can be four types of algebraic operation on complex numbers which are mentioned below. Visit the linked article to know more about these algebraic operations along with solved examples. The four operations on the complex numbers include:

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While performing the arithmetic operations of complex numbers such as addition and subtraction, combine similar terms. It means that combine the real number with the real number and imaginary number with the imaginary number.

When two complex numbers are multiplied by each other, the multiplication process should be similar to the multiplication of two binomials. It means that the FOIL method (Distributive multiplication process) is used.

We find the real and complex components in terms of r and , where r is the length of the vector and  is the angle made with the real axis. Check out the detailed argand plane and polar representation of complex numbers in this article and understand this concept in a detailed way along with solved examples.

The multiplicative identity of complex numbers is defined as (x+yi). (1+0i) = x+yi. Hence, the multiplicative identity is 1+0i.

The multiplicative identity of complex numbers is defined as (x+yi). (1/x+yi) = 1+0i. Hence, the multiplicative identity is 1/x+yi.

After studying these exercises, students are able to understand the basic BODMAS operations on complex numbers, along with their properties, power of i, square root of a negative real number and identities of complex numbers.

5.4 The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number

The detailed explanation provides the modulus and conjugate of a complex number with solved examples.

5.5 Argand Plane and Polar Representation

5.5.1 Polar representation of a complex number

In this section, it has been explained how to write the ordered pairs for the given complex numbers, the definition of a Complex plane or Argand plane and the polar representation of the ordered pairs in terms of complex numbers.

I am relatively new to Python and have encountered a strange issue. I need to calculate a thickness of a tube 't' out of the eqn. which is given below. As expected, "solution" gives 4 possible values of t, of which only one is feasible, being a positive and real value. Two of my four solutions are complex and one is negative. Out of my solution-array of 4 values, I want to take that specific feasible solution and one operation is taking the real part of all values in that array. In taking the real part of one complex solution (sol2.real) out of the solution-array, it gives me always an error, while taking x.real with eg. x=1+2j gives the expected 1. I have noticed that my complex solutions don't have the normal symbol j, but the capital symbol I. The numpy and sympy packages are imported.

This standard basis makes the complex numbers a Cartesian plane, called the complex plane. This allows a geometric interpretation of the complex numbers and their operations, and conversely expressing in terms of complex numbers some geometric properties and constructions. For example, the real numbers form the real line which is identified to the horizontal axis of the complex plane. The complex numbers of absolute value one form the unit circle. The addition of a complex number is a translation in the complex plane, and the multiplication by a complex number is a similarity centered at the origin. The complex conjugation is the reflection symmetry with respect to the real axis. The complex absolute value is a Euclidean norm.

In some disciplines, particularly in electromagnetism and electrical engineering, j is used instead of i as i is frequently used to represent electric current.[8][9] In these cases, complex numbers are written as a + bj, or a + jb.

The definition of the complex numbers involving two arbitrary real values immediately suggests the use of Cartesian coordinates in the complex plane. The horizontal (real) axis is generally used to display the real part, with increasing values to the right, and the imaginary part marks the vertical (imaginary) axis, with increasing values upwards.

The solution in radicals (without trigonometric functions) of a general cubic equation, when all three of its roots are real numbers, contains the square roots of negative numbers, a situation that cannot be rectified by factoring aided by the rational root test, if the cubic is irreducible; this is the so-called casus irreducibilis ("irreducible case"). This conundrum led Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano to conceive of complex numbers in around 1545 in his Ars Magna,[15] though his understanding was rudimentary; moreover he later described complex numbers as "as subtle as they are useless".[16] Cardano did use imaginary numbers, but described using them as "mental torture."[17] This was prior to the use of the graphical complex plane. Cardano and other Italian mathematicians, notably Scipione del Ferro, in the 1500s created an algorithm for solving cubic equations which generally had one real solution and two solutions containing an imaginary number. Since they ignored the answers with the imaginary numbers, Cardano found them useless.[18]

Work on the problem of general polynomials ultimately led to the fundamental theorem of algebra, which shows that with complex numbers, a solution exists to every polynomial equation of degree one or higher. Complex numbers thus form an algebraically closed field, where any polynomial equation has a root.

Many mathematicians contributed to the development of complex numbers. The rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and root extraction of complex numbers were developed by the Italian mathematician Rafael Bombelli.[19] A more abstract formalism for the complex numbers was further developed by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton, who extended this abstraction to the theory of quaternions.[20]

The impetus to study complex numbers as a topic in itself first arose in the 16th century when algebraic solutions for the roots of cubic and quartic polynomials were discovered by Italian mathematicians (Niccol Fontana Tartaglia and Gerolamo Cardano). It was soon realized (but proved much later)[23] that these formulas, even if one were interested only in real solutions, sometimes required the manipulation of square roots of negative numbers. In fact, it was proved later that the use of complex numbers is unavoidable when all three roots are real and distinct.[d] However, the general formula can still be used in this case, with some care to deal with the ambiguity resulting from the existence of three cubic roots for nonzero complex numbers. Rafael Bombelli was the first to address explicitly these seemingly paradoxical solutions of cubic equations and developed the rules for complex arithmetic, trying to resolve these issues.

In the 18th century complex numbers gained wider use, as it was noticed that formal manipulation of complex expressions could be used to simplify calculations involving trigonometric functions. For instance, in 1730 Abraham de Moivre noted that the identities relating trigonometric functions of an integer multiple of an angle to powers of trigonometric functions of that angle could be re-expressed by the following de Moivre's formula:

The English mathematician G.H. Hardy remarked that Gauss was the first mathematician to use complex numbers in "a really confident and scientific way" although mathematicians such as Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel and Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi were necessarily using them routinely before Gauss published his 1831 treatise.[40]

Later classical writers on the general theory include Richard Dedekind, Otto Hlder, Felix Klein, Henri Poincar, Hermann Schwarz, Karl Weierstrass and many others. Important work (including a systematization) in complex multivariate calculus has been started at beginning of the 20th century. Important results have been achieved by Wilhelm Wirtinger in 1927.

Unlike the real numbers, there is no natural ordering of the complex numbers. In particular, there is no linear ordering on the complex numbers that is compatible with addition and multiplication. Hence, the complex numbers do not have the structure of an ordered field. One explanation for this is that every non-trivial sum of squares in an ordered field is nonzero, and i2 + 12 = 0 is a non-trivial sum of squares. Thus, complex numbers are naturally thought of as existing on a two-dimensional plane.

Using the visualization of complex numbers in the complex plane, addition has the following geometric interpretation: the sum of two complex numbers a and b, interpreted as points in the complex plane, is the point obtained by building a parallelogram from the three vertices O, and the points of the arrows labeled a and b (provided that they are not on a line). Equivalently, calling these points A, B, respectively and the fourth point of the parallelogram X the triangles OAB and XBA are congruent.

When the underlying field for a mathematical topic or construct is the field of complex numbers, the topic's name is usually modified to reflect that fact. For example: complex analysis, complex matrix, complex polynomial, and complex Lie algebra.

The geometric description of the multiplication of complex numbers can also be expressed in terms of rotation matrices by using this correspondence between complex numbers and such matrices. The action of the matrix on a vector (x, y) corresponds to the multiplication of x + iy by a + ib. In particular, if the determinant is 1, there is a real number t such that the matrix has the form 17dc91bb1f

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