Compiler Design

Notes & Slides

Compilers  and  translators,  need  of  translators,  structure  of  compiler:  its  different  phases,  compiler  construction tools, Lexical analysis: Role of lexical analyzer, Input Buffering, A simple approach to the design of  Lexical  Analyzers,  Specification  and  recognition  of  tokens,  Finite  automata,  From  regular  expressions  to  automata,  and  vice  versa,  minimizing  number  of  states  of  DFA,  A  language  for  specifying  Lexical  Analyzers,  Design and implementation of lexical analyzer.  

The role of the parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammar: Lexical versus Syntactic analysis, Eliminating  ambiguity,  Elimination  of  left  recursion,  Left  factoring,  Top  Down  Parsing:  Recursive‐  Decent  parsing,  Non‐ recursive  Predictive  parsing,  LL(1) grammars,  Bottom Up  Parsing: Shift  Reduce  Parsing, Operator  precedence  parsing, LR Parsing: SLR, LALR and Canonical LR parser, Parser Generators.  

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