
Session 1: Vignettes of Computational Biology - Chair: Sandhya Prabhakaran

8:45 - 8:50 Opening remarks

8:50-9:30 Cheng Soon Ong "Stability and Aggregation of Experimental Results"

9:30-10:00 Spotlights:

1. Ramin M. Hasani, Victoria Beneder, Magdalena Fuchs, David Lung and Radu Grosu "SIM-CE: An Advanced Simulation Platform for Studying the brain of Caenorhabditis elegans."

2. Amr Alexandari*, Avanti Shrikumar* and Anshul Kundaje "Separable Fully Connected Layers Improve Deep Learning Models for Genomics."

3. Neal Jean, Chi-Sing Ho, Amr Saleh, Niaz Banaei, Jennifer Dionne and Stefano Ermon "Enabling rapid screening of bacterial blood infections with machine learning."

4. Naozumi Hiranuma, Scott Lundberg and Su-In Lee "DeepATAC: A deep-learning method to estimate regulatory factor binding activity from ATAC-seq signals."

5. Meghana Kshirsagar, Eunho Yang and Aurelie Lozano, "Drug molecular activity prediction via sparsity grouped multitask learning."

6. Biswa Sengupta and Karl Friston "Approximate Bayesian inference as a gauge theory."

10:00-10:30: Coffee Break

Session 2: Deep Learning for Epigenomics - Chair: Meghana Kshirsagar

10:30-11:10: Anshul Kundaje “Deep learning approaches to impute, integrate and interpret regulatory genomic data”

11:10 - 11:30 Contributed Talk: Assya Trofimov, Joseph Paul Cohen, Claude Perreault, Yoshua Bengio and Sebastien Lemieux. Uncovering the gene usage of human tissue cells with joint factorized embeddings

11:30-12:00 Contributed Talk: Ankit Gupta and Alexander Rush. Dilated Convolutions for Modeling Long-Distance Genomic Dependencies

12-2 Lunch and Poster session

Session 3: Computational Advances in Healthcare - Chair: Ambrose Carr

2-2:40 Suchi Saria "Reasoning from 'Messy' Clinical Time Series for Individualizing Care"

2:40-3 Contributed Talk: Samuel Kaski. Ask the doctor – Improving drug sensitivity predictions through active expert knowledge elicitation

3:00-4:15 Poster session and coffee break

Session 4: Frontiers in Dimensionality Reduction - Chair: Elham Azizi

4:15-4:35 Contributed Talk: Abubakar Abid, Vivek Bagaria, Martin Zhang and James Zou. Contrastive Principal Component Analysis

4:35-5:00 Closing remarks and awards