I want to hide the circular compass icon on MKMapview which appears when a user rotates the map. I have attached a screen shot for reference. I don't want to display the circular compass icon but I do want to allow rotation on the map.

The current iOS maps does not have the option to turn off the compass.MapKit Class in the apple documentation also does not carry any information about a compass setting as either a property or creation only setting.

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Also a drone pilot and I totally agree. I find that the compass will show the error the second I add a taller post to my camera mount to allow it to charge while mounted on a tripod. The added metal in close proximity to the camera confuses the compass every time.

Thanks for the success report. It helps other people. Do you think you need to be connected to the app for the compass reset to work? I wonder if the app and the camera exchange some type of info for the compass reset or display of the calibration icon??

With the right settings, you can have a compass icon on the main menu. To set this up, the device must be in Walking/Pedestrian mode. To place the device in Walking/Pedestrian mode, you may simply touch the vehicle icon at the top of the main menu then select Walking.

Once these settings have been adjusted, touch Where To? and have the device calculate a route to your desired destination. After the route calculates, return to the main menu. You will now see a compass button in the bottom center portion of the screen.

The Compass is a navigational HUD tool bearing the traditional cardinal directions of north, east, south and west. The implementation differs across major revisions of the game in appearance and icons.

In WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition, the compass is largely unchanged from previous revisions in terms of basic functionality. The compass always shows the player which cardinal direction their wolf is facing or headed towards, and it will rotate relative to the change of direction when the player-wolf either turns or performs a 180 quick-turn.

There are some new additions. Firstly, the miniature hex displayed above the compass represents wolf territory at a glance and serves as a quick visual indicator to relay claim data without requiring the player to frequently consult their world map. Color denotes which pack the hex belongs to in accordance with the player's current Territory Map Colors settings, and its opacity paired with (strong) or without (weak) an outer border indicates claim strength. If the icon is transparent or "black", the hex is an unclaimed no-wolf's-land. If the icon and/or world map hexes are dark gray or the hex is marked as a home hex, its land is unclaimable and completely undisputable.

Extracted game assets. Icons will appear on the compass to show the player nearby points of interest. Distance is represented with opacity; the closer something is, the more solid its icon will appear.

In Classic, "color" means the icon's actual color as it appears in-game. Some extracted assets uploaded to the Wiki are edited for visibility across both light and dark themes. If no color is indicated, the asset is unmodified.

In Legacy versions, "color" means the icon's actual color. Some extracted assets uploaded to the Wiki are edited for visibility across both light and dark themes. If it is empty, the asset is unmodified.

I new to geocaching and have a problem with the compass. Once I start a cache search and choose the Compass icon in the upper right corner, the compass appears, but doesn't function properly. It will accurately count down my distance to the cache and the orange arrow points in the proper direction, but the compas does not auto rotate/spin. North never moves as I turn the the phone. If I know where north is and manually always orient the phone that direction we can find the xache. If Ian not holding the phone with the Nkrth arrow acurally north or do not know which way is north we will not be on the right track.

I have both a free and premium login and it doesn't work in either. My iPhone settings are set for location services on when using geocaching app and the compass app that comes with the iPhone works. Is there an internal setting either in the app or my phone I need to change?

For the compass, you may try calibrating it. A quick flick of the wrist is usually all it takes, while the compass is in view. If the "Compass Calibration" red ball game isn't in view, the iPhone is happy with its calibration. But I'm able to force a Compass Calibration screen to pop up, by using a magnet. I'm also able to get the compass to freeze with some small magnets. Run the App outside away from ferrous metal, and outside of a car, and see if that helps.

I can't get the orange arrow to move independently of the compass, and can't figure out how the compass could be pointing North Up, with any setting. My iPhone definitely doesn't do that. Are you using the Official Geocaching App from Geocaching.com? Have you tried deleting/reinstalling the App?

Yes, I am using the official geocaching app and tried uninstalling it and reinstalling. I could not get any options to let me calibrate within the app, but I am trying. Nothing has changed. I did use the feature you described in your screen shot and the compass does work in that mode. It rotates about and continuously has North pointing the right direction no matter what way the phone is orientated. Once I move to the larger compass (green full screen) it does not work.

The map is at North Up by default, and has other modes. I've never seen the compass stuck at "North Up", and it's especially strange if "Track Up" works in map mode but the compass fails. From what you describe, the compass screen is behaving as if there was a setting for "North Up", with the compass frozen and the orange pointer following the cache. There's a compass tape at the bottom of the map. Is that frozen as well?

I found a thread that's kinda-sorta like your issue. In that case, "Compass Calibration" was off. I tried that selection, and the compass then remains pointed north. The orange arrow doesn't move either, but who knows. Worth checking?

Try this. Go to Settings, scroll to Privacy and tap that. Tap the icon for "Location Services" (also, that should be switched on). Scroll all the way to the bottom of the "Location Services" list to "System Services" and tap that. Usually, everything in System Services is selected "on". If "Compass Calibration" is off, turn that on. If it's on, turn it off, then back on.

Similar hopefully related problem? On my iPhone 6+ the compass function in the geocaching app, the GPS and distance displays lock when the compass function is activated. The directional arrow points in the right direction and rotates fine. If I switch back to map and then back to compass, the GPS and distance are updated but again locked. I have turned location services on/off/on, compass calibration on,off,on, rebooted the iPhone several times and uninstalled/re-installed the app. My wife's iPhone 6+ behaves in the same manner.

The Compass widget indicates where north is in relation to the current viewrotationor camera heading. Clicking the Compass widgetrotates the view to face north (heading = 0). This widget is added to a SceneViewby default. The icon for the Compass widget is determined based upon the view'sspatial reference.If the spatial reference is Web Mercator or WGS84, the icon will be a compass needle.For all other spatial references, the icon will be an arrow. For more information, see theReference topic on Spatial references.

In Creative Mode, Exploration Mode, and some other servers, this type of compass and the ship compass both show the location of Random Encounters as of Update 1.3: Watery Water. The below are icons that can show up on the compass when exploring on land.

There is also a compass that automatically shows in the top-right corner of the screen when controlling any Ship or Boat. It does not need to be crafted. The buoy icon indicates either an underwater encounter or a nearby water vessel such as a ship or boat. The triangle indicates a nearby Yland. The ship compass also shows the Wind Direction & Strength and relative ship speed, it does not reflect actual ship speed with which you need a Speed Meter installed to see how many knots the ship is travelling at. For more information on ship speed, see the individual pages for each Ship.

Let's go over what happened there. The import statement told compass to generate astylesheet that is customized for your sprites. Thisstylesheet is magic, it is not written to disk, and it can be customizedby setting configuration variables before you import it. See the page onCustomization Options. The goal ofthis stylesheet is to provide a simple naming convention for yoursprites so that they are easy to remember and use. You should never haveto care what is the name of the generatedsprite map, nor where a sprite is located within it.

If you want control over what selectors are generated, it is easy to do. In this example,this is done by using the magic my-icons-sprite mixin. Note that the mixin's name is dependenton the name of the folder in which you've placed your icons.

As noted above, compass will magically create sprite stylesheets for you. Some people likemagic, some people are scared by it, and others are curious about how the magic works. Ifyou would like to avoid the magic, you can use compass to generate an import for you. On thecommand line:

Start working on the actual compass, by creating the main shape for the outer section of its frame using a 52 x 52 px circle with a 4 px thick Stroke (#443D38), which we will center align to the underlying Artboard, giving us a 4 px all-around padding to work with.

Mattermost compass icons are integral to the user interface, providing visual cues and improving navigation within the platform. These icons serve as a visual language that helps users quickly identify different functionalities and features. e24fc04721

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