"L'Univers de la Compagnie Aire" is first and foremost a YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@compagnie-aire) for discovery, sharing and exchange which, through its video clips, aims to aerial acrobatics, Qi Gong and Wado-Ryu karate, introducing world music celebrating cultural diversity as well as classical music to each subscriber of the channel.
The “Aire Company” created the shows “L’arbre Maison” and “Harmonie”.
The “Sakapapiés”, small characters created by the “Aire Company”, bring a very poetic touch full of joy for young and old.
We want to bring together people from all backgrounds through music, circus, energetic and martial arts. Our ultimate goal is to create an atmosphere of peace, love and environmental conservation, uniting as many hearts as possible.
It’s a channel where we also find videos in playlists, from masters and experts who have inspired us.

Harmony between Heaven and Earth on world music 

Harmony between Heaven and Earth on classical music

Show "The house tree"

Forests are full of surprises, even for birds.

When Youyou and Iri-Iri, the blue bird and the red bird, find a funny big thing planted there like a tree, they don't know what to do with it at first.

Together, they explore it, they search, they try. They even look at the manual.

And to their delight, they end up finding: this very special tree allows them to learn to fly with their own wings, and helps to realize their dreams.


Show “Harmony”

This show harmoniously mixes circus arts (Korean framework, trapeze), martial arts (Wado-Ryu karate), energy arts (Qi Gong)

Universe “The Sakapapiés”

Sakapapiai and Sakatrou are two little characters, both clumsy and full of good will who try their hand at many activities with mixed success.
