
November 4, 2020

All times and dates in the program are local times, Vienna, Austria (CET)

Detailed program also available here:

Zoom link:

Program Schedule

Session Chairs:

  • Uta Störl, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

  • Meike Klettke, University of Rostock

Session 1:

  • 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm – Invited Talk: Pascal Desmarets (Hackolade): NoSQL Data Modelling in Practice.

Session 2:

  • 5:15 pm - 5:35 pm – Pablo D. Muñoz-Sánchez, Carlos Javier Fernández Candel, Jesús García-Molina and Diego Sevilla Ruiz. Extracting Physical and Logical Schemas for Document Stores.

  • 5:35 pm - 5:55 pm – Pavel Čontoš and Martin Svoboda. JSON Schema Inference Approaches.

  • 5:55 pm - 6:15 pm – Alberto Hernández Chillón, Diego Sevilla Ruiz and Jesus Garcia-Molina. Deimos: A Model-based NoSQL Data Generation Language.