HIDOE Community Engagement Branch
Research shows that there is a powerful connection between family and community engagement and student achievement. As a result of positive engagement we know that students:
Research shows that there is a powerful connection between family and community engagement and student achievement. As a result of positive engagement we know that students:
Earn higher grades and test scores.
Enroll in higher level academic programs.
Are promoted on time and earn more credits.
Adapt better to school and attend more regularly.
Have better social skills and behaviors.
Graduate and go on to post-secondary opportunities.
This category was sponsored by the Hawaii State Department of Education’s Community Engagement Branch. Our goal with this video project was to encourage participating students to build their understanding of the process of turning outward. To turn outward is to see and hear those in the community and act with intentionality to spark change. Each of us have the potential to shape the world around us. Through meaningful and intentional involvement, we create shared impact. We become builders, not bystanders.
This category was sponsored by the Hawaii State Department of Education’s Community Engagement Branch. Our goal with this video project was to encourage participating students to build their understanding of the process of turning outward. To turn outward is to see and hear those in the community and act with intentionality to spark change. Each of us have the potential to shape the world around us. Through meaningful and intentional involvement, we create shared impact. We become builders, not bystanders.