Collective Impact

Impact of Lowell Community school Model:

  • 6051 students, families, and community members engaged across 7 schools, 21 community partners since 2015

  • 315 students graduated who were in-risk of dropping out

  • 175 internship experiences, 4700+ college credits

  • 321 free eye exams, 301 free pairs of glasses

  • Participating students had significantly higher credit attainment

Evidence-Based Intervention

  • Community schools have a social return on investment of up to $14.80 for every $1 spent (Children's Aid Society)

  • Participating in community school programing improves attendance and graduation, and reduces disciplinary incidents (Rand Corporation)

  • The US Department of Education recommends districts use Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funding for "Implementing strategies to meet the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students hit hardest by the pandemic, including through evidence-based interventions and critical services like community schools" (