The end of financial year share statement only captures CommSec CHESS sponsored holdings. If you have Issuer Sponsored Holdings or holdings with another broker, they will not be included in this summary.

This information is general in nature, CommSec is not an adviser as to legal, taxation, or accounting matters and does not take into account your personal situation. CommSec shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person or company for any errors or omissions in this document, however caused. End of financial year statements are summary documents only and are not intended to replace any document which contains information that may be required for taxation purposes. You are responsible for obtaining independent advice, as you think appropriate, on your tax position.

Commsec Download Tax Statement


If you need statements older than what is provided on your Statements page, please call us on 13 15 19 or +61 2 9115 14 17 if calling from overseas (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Sydney Time).

The distribution components are as calculated and reported to the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") at the time of each distribution. The year end components reported to investors in their annual tax statements, once all year end information is finalised, may be different.

I invested some money in ETFs last financial year. This is my first investment in ETFs ever. I purchased IXJ, NDQ and ETHI via CommSec Pocket app. Now that I am collating all the information for filing my tax returns, I went online to check if my tax statements are available.

It turns out that IXJ is managed by Computershare and the only documents I can find after I log into my Computershare account are the 2 payment advices for the distributions they made in the last financial year. There is also an option to purchase a tax pack, but that comes at a whopping price of $49. I found a consolidated statement on CommSec but they state that their EOFY statements are summary documents only and cannot be used for taxation purposes.

Thanks! So should I expect a printed copy for IXJ sent to me via post? Any idea when they send these out?

For NDQ and ETHI, these are managed by another registry - Link Market Services. Looks like their tax statements are not yet available.

As thetrain mentioned, the statements are free for each ETF. However, what those share registries do is to collate all those statements into one "tax pack" which is not free. If you only have a few ETFs you should be able to just use each ETF's statement for your tax return. I have 10+ different ETFs and never needed that tax pack.

I also have other shares (not ETFs) which send out a tax statement. This is for stapled securities such as Sydney Airport. Back to 2012, I have always received this within a few days of 14 August each year.

Thanks for the tip Nikko. I'll be checking this out as getting all those individual statements together each TY is a real pain. I see that Sharesight also tracks your CGT if you sell as well. This could just be my find of the month!

Thanks! Glad you answered this question. Yes, Jessica had also said that it must be included but a quick google search seems to give mixed responses. That said, I'd expect the distributions paid out in July included in the tax statements from Computershare and Link Market Services.

Anyway, you don't have to work all this out for yourself. If a company has this kind of structure (stapled share/trust), they will send you an annual tax summary. During the year they may send you other distribution notices, but you can effectively ignore them - just wait for the annual tax statement.

I recently made a first-time investment in ETFs using commsec pocket and have been holding them for a few months and plan to hold them for much longer. Do I need to include this in my tax return if the distribution was less than $50, or do I need to wait for the tax statement for both ETF and hand it over to the tax accountant?

These tax statements usually come out in August. You really need them as an ETF is treated as a trust/managed fund so there may be franked & unfranked dividend components, capital gains, foreign income, foreign tax withheld etc

It isn't a headache if, when doing MyTax you tick the box that says "managed fund" and then it all downloads automatically. If you don't use MyTax the tax statement tells you exactly where to put the figures.

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The Reserve Bank (RBA) will almost certainly keep rates on hold this afternoon at 2.30pm AEDT. Economists will be paying close attention to the accompanying one-page statement by the central bank and comments about the Aussie dollar and wages growth.


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