Service Areas

Welcome to our Service Area Overview

CommonSenSEO is an SEO Agency with an international reach but being a UK based company we of course also handle our local markets. Based in Lincoln UK we service the Midlands and covering the following Shires:

  • Lincolnshire
  • Derbyshire
  • Nottinghamshire
  • Leicestershire
  • Northamptonshire

as the main focus areas. You can see each area in the sidebar.

Local SEO

What is local SEO?

Local SEO means that you optimise your website to searches from the local area, and one of the best things you can do is to register your business in a Google My Business listing.

Google My Business

This is a central storage of your company’s information in Google, which enables Google to serve their customers (searchers) with best possible information based upon relevance to the search term and proximity of the business/service to the searcher. This means the closer your business is to the location of the searcher the higher probability you have to end up in a search query.

Google My Business operates with two terms in terms of business, either you are a Storefront or a Service Business the difference is either you receive customers at your location or you go and visit your customers. The latter can hide your address if you don’t want that to be public available.

What’s The Idea?

With a Google listing you could be shown in what we call a K

So, how do you get in Google My Business (GMB)?

We have prepared a step - by - step guide and how you optimize your GMB, which you can find here (link) or you go to and sign up with your Google Account or you create one at the spot.

How To Get More Traction For Your Google My Business Listing?

The Dashboard of your GMB let you create different kinds of posts which shows up in the Knowledge Panel of your Business Profile. Each listing has a Knowledge Panel which Google may or may not show when a search is made for a product or service related to your business. The Post Types are:

  • What’s New
  • Event
  • Offer
  • Products

Making these posts tells Google that your business is genuine and might show your Knowledge Panel to the right of the search results on a Desktop or in a mobile where they take up the whole real estate of the screen (which is good for you) and the searcher (your potential client) might be inclined to press the Call Now button

Google Reviews

Another way to get traction is to have many reviews on your listing. According to research people would rather click on a business that have many current reviews than on one which have old reviews or none.

We offer different services in connection with Google My Business and you can see the various offers here

Your Website

In addition to the GMB your website should also be optimised for local search. Here, we are talking about your content and site structure. Who are you competing against and what kind of keywords are they optimized for? So, a good keyword research, proper site structure is the most important factor and then comes the Look and Feel of the website and optimization for conversion (sales) and On Page SEO Optimisation. You can make a really nice website but if it doesn’t get any traffic what is it worth then? Take a look at our On Page Optimisation services here

Website Traffic

Having prepared your site and optimised it you should now hopefully start climping up in the rankings if the On Page SEO has been done correctly. You might need a boost and this is where we have different techniques and packages that can help you. Go here and see the various packages.