Commander Coder
Quick introduction
I do a lot of work with computers. Mostly games, but more recently teaching about them. As the years go by, I remember those old microcomputers which enthralled me and I desire to preserve those technologies before they fade into obscurity.
My Creations
A version of BeebEm (a BBC Micro emulator which has been with us since the mid 1990s) that now works on Apple MacOS Catalina. It also works on earlier versions of macOS too.
A version for Mac which works on Apple Silicon (and Intel too) based on the Windows version of BeebEm.
Do you know the cost of living? A game a little bit like Wordle but asks you to guess the value of things.
Write software for antique machines.
Some way to write software for antique machines.
Write 8-bit code in your browser.
Pico8 Fantasy Console
My professional career started with desiging and prototyping video games for Codemasters. The first one released that I designed was Jonah Lomu Rugby; developed externally by Rage Software. The next which I designed and prototype was Colin McRae Rally; developed internally by Codemasters. I went on to make many more games on games consoles over the next 20+ years.