Communication Networks

An Optimization, Control, and Stochastic Networks Perspective

R. Srikant and Lei Ying

About this website

Welcome to the authors' website for the textbook: Communication Networks: An Optimization, Control, and Stochastic Networks Perspective. The website contains slides associated with some of the chapters of the book. We have also made available early versions of some of the book chapters. Since these are not the final versions of the book chapters, they may contain more typos than the final version of the book. For instructors who need the latex files for the slides, please email the authors (rsrikant AT and/or leiying AT

You can find/purchase a hard copy of the book on Amazon

Errata (corrected figures)

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Mathematics of Internet architecture

PDF of Book Chapter

  • 2.1 Mathematical background: convex optimization (slides)

  • 2.2 Resource allocation as utility maximization (slides)

  • 2.3 Mathematical background: stability of dynamical systems (slides)

  • 2.4 Distributed algorithms: primal solution (slides)

  • 2.5 Distributed algorithms: dual solution (slides)

  • 2.7 Game-theoretic view of utility maximization (slides)

Chapter 3: Links: statistical multiplexing and queues

PDF of Book Chapter

  • 3.3 Mathematical background: discrete-time Markov chains (slides)

  • 3.5 Providing priorities: fair queueing (slides)

Chapter 4: Scheduling in packet switches

PDF of Book Chapter

  • 4.1 Switch architectures and crossbar switches (slides)

  • 4.2 Capacity region and MaxWeight algorithm (slides)

  • 4.3 Low-complexity switch scheduling algorithms (slides)

Chapter 5: Scheduling in wireless networks

PDF of Chapters 5-6

  • 5.1 Wireless communications (slides)

  • 5.2 Channel-aware scheduling in cellular networks (slides)

  • 5.3 The MaxWeight algorithm for the cellular downlink (slides)

  • 5.4 MaxWeight scheduling for ad hoc P2P wireless networks (slides)

  • 5.6 Q-CSMA: a distributed algorithm for ad hoc P2P networks (slides)

Chapter 6: Back to network utility maximization

PDF of Chapters 5-6

  • 6.2 Stability and convergence: a cellular network example (slides)

Chapter 7: Network protocols

  • 7.1 Adaptive window flow control and TCP protocols (slides)

  • 7.2 Routing algorithms: Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford algorithms (slides)

  • 7.4 MAC layer protocols in wireless networks (slides)

Chapter 8: Peer-to-peer networks

  • 8.1 Distributed hash tables (slides)

  • 8.2 P2P file sharing (slides)

  • 8.3 Structured P2P streaming (slides)

  • 8.4 Unstructured P2P streaming (slides)

Chapter 9: Queueing theory in continuous time

Chapter 10: Asymptotic analysis of queues

Chapter 11: Geometric random graph models of wireless networks