Explore new worlds.

The Hero Nation Comic Book Libraries program is a Comic Book Union initiative that seeks to improve youth literacy by providing graphic novels, comic books and manga to local students.

Why Comics?

From thrilling space adventures to depictions of real-life social issues— comics have always served as a platform where the human experience is conveyed in both grounded and fantastical stories. The colorfully illustrated pages feature characters who often go through struggles that reflect our own experiences and can even have a positive impact on our development.

How Do Comics Help?

As referenced in Black Comics: Politics, Race and Representation, according to American psychologists Richard Koestner, Joel Weinberger, and David C. McClelland, superheroes can have a significant impact on the young developing mind for both personality and identity development; specifically through the process of self-identification and cultural association with the fictional heroes. Simply put, comics can help us discover the hero within.

Help us reach our fundraising goal

At Hero Nation and Comic Book Libraries we believe in the educational value of comic books. With your help we can impact as many students as possible. Can you help us reach our fundraising goal?

Every dollar donated will go toward purchasing Comic Books, of course! Specifically, books that teachers have requested, and books that feature diverse characters.

Wakanda and Beyond

The Essentials

Discover the world of Black Panther and beyond by starting off with these essential reads from our library. Written by National Book Award-winning writer, T-Nehisi Coates, Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet Vol. 1-2 takes King T’Challa on a journey as Wakanda endures a violent uprising. Ytasha L. Womack’s Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-fi and Fantasy Culture offers a detailed insight on the history and cultural relevance of Afrofuturism—as a celebration of the African diaspora through a futuristic lens—and how it applies to music, art, literature and even fictional kingdoms like Wakanda.

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