Keeping your desktop organized is at the heart of Fences. With the powerful built-in automation tools, you can create rules that will automatically organize your desktop by file type, name, time, and the target location.

Make your Windows 10 and 11 desktops unique with WindowBlinds 11. Customize the Start menu, taskbar, window frames, and control buttons with a single and fully customize any skin with your easy-to-use controls from within the app.

Stardock Object Desktop Full 30l


As of build 22000.65, multi monitor taskbar functionality is almost back. Its missing the taskbar clock and drag/drop pinning and opening with. But because of how Microsoft said that 3rd party apps wont really be able to touch the taskbar, it might be a good time for Stardock to bring back Objectbar. Object bar would be a good alternative replacement to the current taskbar and a bonus would be to build start10 into object bar so that you can have the old start menu. Perfect opportunity Stardock, start tinkering behind the scenes. I know it would be a hit!

Quoting uk58, reply 3

I tested Curtains and WindowBlinds Both are not useful for time running Windows 11 Pro. The changes in the graphical surface should be very large so the desktop modding could be heavier or partially impossible This becomes possible for the community a problem of switching to Windows 11 if you wants to continue the Stardock software use at releasing time Windows 11 in 12 weeks.

There are several people having the same experience, so it's not a coincidence. It seems Stardock decided to make the Object Desktop software a "subscription only" collection and changed the terms for existing customers rather than grandfather them in. With few exceptions, most consumers strongly dislike subscription-based software with good reason. Who would rather rent when they can own? I kept all of my email receipts, including pdfs of my original purchase, and there was no mention of a subscription when I purchased the product in 2020. Their language about "Legacy purchases" is also murky at best. If we purchased prior to the subscription, does that mean our renewal will invalidate our original purchase and thereafter render it subscription only? 

I only opted for the Object Desktop to upgrade my Fences 2.0, to Fences 4.0, believing the additional software included was a good deal after a new PC build. However, I can no longer validate my Fences 4.0 and am discovering that not honoring previous purchase agreements seems to be a pattern with Stardock. I've just seen many negative reviews echoing the same sentiment. And here we are. Unfortunately, after a recent glitch with Windows 11 and my new graphic card drivers, I ended up doing a complete reinstall and was unable to get my Stardock Object Desktop software to work, even with my license. After wasting way too much time trying to resolve the problem, and doing a bit of research, I discovered what almost everyone else has. The policy for the software I purchased changed after my initial purchase.

It's unfortunate that they chose to do business in a way that feels misleading to their customers because it contradicts the original terms. I do like the software, although it can be buggy. But the software offers a useful concept, and I am not currently aware of any better alternative software competitors. I'm not looking for freebies and don't mind paying for value, and consistent quality, with clear and honest terms. In fact, I'm usually a loyal customer. But for me, trust is a critical factor when it comes to choosing a product, "Once bitten, twice shy." So as disappointed as I am, I may choose to renew for now, but I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for all rising competitors, and I am sure there will be many to come. I'm especially eager to see what can be done with AI and desktop management.

Quoting Dreambug-Designs, reply 15

There are several people having the same experience, so it's not a coincidence. It seems Stardock decided to make the Object Desktop software a "subscription only" collection and changed the terms for existing customers rather than grandfather them in. With few exceptions, most consumers strongly dislike subscription-based software with good reason. Who would rather rent when they can own? I kept all of my email receipts, including pdfs of my original purchase, and there was no mention of a subscription when I purchased the product in 2020. Their language about "Legacy purchases" is also murky at best. If we purchased prior to the subscription, does that mean our renewal will invalidate our original purchase and thereafter render it subscription only? 

I only opted for the Object Desktop to upgrade my Fences 2.0, to Fences 4.0, believing the additional software included was a good deal after a new PC build. However, I can no longer validate my Fences 4.0 and am discovering that not honoring previous purchase agreements seems to be a pattern with Stardock. I've just seen many negative reviews echoing the same sentiment. And here we are. Unfortunately, after a recent glitch with Windows 11 and my new graphic card drivers, I ended up doing a complete reinstall and was unable to get my Stardock Object Desktop software to work, even with my license. After wasting way too much time trying to resolve the problem, and doing a bit of research, I discovered what almost everyone else has. The policy for the software I purchased changed after my initial purchase.

It's unfortunate that they chose to do business in a way that feels misleading to their customers because it contradicts the original terms. I do like the software, although it can be buggy. But the software offers a useful concept, and I am not currently aware of any better alternative software competitors. I'm not looking for freebies and don't mind paying for value, and consistent quality, with clear and honest terms. In fact, I'm usually a loyal customer. But for me, trust is a critical factor when it comes to choosing a product, "Once bitten, twice shy." So as disappointed as I am, I may choose to renew for now, but I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for all rising competitors, and I am sure there will be many to come. I'm especially eager to see what can be done with AI and desktop management.

Object desktop subscription is foe one year. That ended for you in 2014...9-10 years ago. You were entitled to all updates during that year. If you still have your installers you can still use the software on an appropriate OS.

Well, in fact I intented to buy Fences 4 originally. But since the web page offered me Object desktop as a better deal (more items for just 15 eur more I decited to buy Object desktop. There was no information that I buy subscription, not the lifetime license. On the link you posted I also got to know that even after 1 year I still will be able to use Fences and other programs (with no upgrades).

I reinstalled windows recently and went to download my object desktop software, but the download page indicates I need to renew to download it? I've double and triple checked, and nowhere on the Object desktop page does it say I was purchasing a subscription. If I knew it was I would never have purchased it in the first place. I've lost all the respect I had for stardock previously as a result, and would never consider recommending their products to my friends/coworkers. If I am purchasing a subscription it needs to be clearly stated. Just look at the object desktop page, ctrl+F and search subscription, you wont find any mention of it...

I have the same issue and this goes beyond a support issue, this is a legal issue unless rectified responsibly. I restored my old system and it wiped out Object desktop, no biggie I supposed, I'll download it like every other application that I purchased online. The download page shows the following below. I can get my serial but not the original software unless I pay the ransom fee? At the time it was a stand alone application, no download manager and no membership fee to allow access to the software, no disclaimer or warning saying that I will not have access to the software in the future, no mention that I will have to pay a membership fee to host the software. I don't want the new version, I want the version I paid for that's not available within the account downloads. Make it available as I paid for the software, not the rights to access your website via a membership fee.

I renewed my object desktop, and I was told that I get windows blind eleven and start eleven with the renewal, so I downloaded window blind eleven and start eleven through object desktop it keeps telling me to update both, and when I update, I restart pc and its right back telling me to still update so to try and fix this I went ahead and paid for them both well did not fix the constant update so what's wrong windows 10 on the pc don't think that's what is the problem can anyone give me a fix I have spent a lot on this through the years and don't what it to be a boat anchor lol

You are 100% right I moved on to Fences and what a disaster, My destop had over 100 icons shortcuts any program that accesses the desktop see all these icons. Object Destop had links to programs not shortcuts. I am moving back to Object Desktop and will be using your suggestions for windows 11.

I have been using Object Dock for quite a long time, but have been trying out Fences 4. I like many of the new features that have been added. I also have tried to duplicate Object Dock in a couple of ways. I have placed my Fences rolled and placed in the upper corner of my desktop. Eight different fences each with 10 to 15 different programs or folders, it works great and you can clear the desktop with a desktop quick hide. When you roll over any title bar it expands. Trying to make a decision before going to windows 11

Quoting Smegger213, reply 11

I am having the same issue with Windowsblinds 11. Installed the latest version multiple times. But object desktop manager continues to say it needs updating.

The question has already been answered in reply #2: be457b7860

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