Privacy Policy

Pregnant Mommy Simulator Baby Care Pregnancy Games

Information We Collect

Non-personal Information

Unless directly stated otherwise Pregnant Mommy Simulator Baby Care Pregnancy Games

does not need or collect any personal information of our users which may identify them as an individual.

Personal Information

Personal information is information which can be directly linked to you as a person. This includes information such as name, nickname, email, uploaded images or location. Full Brick Studio is not collecting any kind of these information in this app


Pregnant Mommy Simulator Baby Care Pregnancy Games uses Google Analytics to help analyse users behaviour in the game. We mainly look out for how long users have spent in the game and how many levels were played. This information is then used to evaluate use of our game and to improve the usability. All information collected via Google Services is anonymous non-personal data.

Google privacy policy:


Free Games & Apps

We display advertisements in our free apps and games to fund the development process for current and future services. The advertisements are provided by third party companies and if the user consented to personalised ads then your advertising identifier will be shared with the ad provider to select ads relevant to you. In some cases non-precise geolocation may be shared identifying the country or city you are located in.

Our apps may contain advertising from any of these networks:

Google (AdMob) privacy policy:

Unity (Unity Ads) privacy policy:

Paid Games & Apps

Our paid apps and games do not contain third party advertisements and thus no data is collected by third parties.

In-app Products

General :

Some of our apps include paid items which can be purchased for additional content. These apps are labeled as containing in-app purchases on the storefront prior to purchase.

Paid items are clearly labeled as a paid item displaying price in your local currency prior to accepting and making the purchase.

Parents can also apply parental filters which require approval before these items can be purchased or simply block in-app purchasing completely.

Auto-Renewing Subscriptions

These subscriptions will automatically charge you until manually cancelled. Visit the subscription management section of your app store to cancel an active subscription.

Manage Google Play android Subscriptions:

Manage Apple App Store iOS Subscriptions:

Non-Renewing Subscriptions

These are subscriptions which need to be manually paid per billing cycle. When left unpaid the subscription will be cancelled at the end of the billing period and any rewards for continuous subscription periods may be lost.


Our applications are intended for a general audience of all ages; however prior to app download our apps have an age rating assigned.

In some cases our apps may be enlisted into the Google Play family program which means the app does not collect any personal information and has been certified by Google as safe for children.

The majority of our apps do not collect personal information but in cases where we do, we ask the user to agree to our terms of service and agree that they're at least 13 years of age or ask that a parent consents for them. We do not knowingly collect or track personal information from users under 13 years old without prior parental consent. If informed of any personal information collected from users below this age without consent then we will delete the information and stop any further collection from the individual (account removal).

If you are a parent or guardian and are worried that we may have collected any personal information about your child unknowingly please contact us at and we will delete any information from our system.


Please contact regarding any issue you may be having.

Thanks for playing!

We hope you enjoy our games and we're happy to read any feedback you wish to give us!