Coincidence Imaging and Spectroscopy Laboratory

Exploring the world of atoms, and molecules...

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We are a newly established research group in IISERB performing interdisciplinary research in experimental atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) science. 

We are interested in achieving detailed insight into the correlated dynamics of atoms, molecules, and clusters using crossed beam multiparticle coincidence imaging technique. We use advanced tools of experimental gas phase AMO physics for understanding the reaction dynamics at the single-molecule level. With the help of short light pulses, slow ion beams, and electrons, our goal is to explore different directions of atomic/molecular processes. 

We employ the techniques such as Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) and/or COld Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy (COLTRIMS), also known as Reaction Microscope (ReMi), to unravel the energetics and the dynamics of laser/electron/ion-molecule interactions.

           The Team