I created a Combo Box control on a model-driven app custom page but I can't figure out how to reference the values. If I put the control in model-driven form and connect to it, I see my values. The form is using Choices(Division).

The last point - the combo models is what made me choose the models 8958 and 8960. 8958 is in my opinion the best model from the line (judging only from review about the sets that I don't own). 8960 is also nice, though I'm always a bit worried when I see such big pieces as the ones intended for use as wheels and the drill machine. However, having seen them in person, and also having witnessed the versatile uses to which LEGO designers have put them, I'm optimistic about their MOCing potential.

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Without further ado, I want to present the point of this article - which is to show the combo models in a little bit more detail. There are reviews of the individual sets, but so far I haven't seen the assembled alternate models. The combo model of 8958 and 8960 is a flying transporter plus a miniature mining vehicle. That is a bit reminiscent of the harvester transporters from the game Dune.

... and a device for breaking the rock which can also be played with - it has some elasticity because there is an axle going through all its height, so if you pull it back and release it , it can punch a loose "rock" in front of it (it extends further than the drum). You can also see one of the problems of the model - the roll cage closes on top of the driving wheel

It shows that the models are built with pieces intended for something else. While you build, you may occasionally feel that some details were designed just to cram in a piece from the original model. Nevertheless, there are a few very nice touches - the front of the mining machine shows an ingenious use of the large pieces used for wheels (undoubtedly, this use is not a chance discovery but has been an intended design goal for the part). The overall look of both vehicles hints at their purpose and is pleasing.

Well, since you get these models for free, it's quite good value for money. In reality, as any economist would tell you, the price for the work of the designers who came up with the alternate models is included in the price of the original sets. However, both sets being reasonably priced, the increase in price due to extra design or a piece that had to be included exclusively for the combo model is probably negligible.

I am not much into playing with models, but I think a kid would have quite a bit of fun with those. There is a flier for swooshing, and there is a land machine for destroying things. What more could you desire ( a catapult? ).

The code below shows a problem I'm having with combo actions. The getSelectedItem() is fired multiple times instead of just at selection. Simply loading the frame calls the method 3 times. Each click on the combo box is a call, even if its just for the dropdown and not the actual selection. Clicking inside the editable text area also triggers the getSelectedItem() method. Is there a way to filter this event?, or an alternate way to validate data on the box model level?

See this tutorial on how to use JComboBox, specifically the section on handling events. You should add an ActionListener to your combobox. It will be triggered when the user actually makes a gesture indicating that their selection is confirmed.

getSelectedItem() indeed fires multiple times, as well as the action event. For an editable combo box the action fires once for comboboxchanged, and once for comboboxedited. I've set up the validation that is not specific to end item in the getSelectedItem, and moved the rest into a filtered action event for comboboxchanged. I've completely ignored comboboxedited event.

I have the combination Samsung Router/SmartThings Hub model ET-WV525. When I purchased it, it was the only option for me (as a Canadian) to buy a hub in Canada when Samsung killed support for v1 hubs. For the record I do not use this device as my main wifi, I only use it as a smartthings hub connected to my main router as an addon device.

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A JComboBox, which lets the user choose one of several choices, can have two very different forms. The default form is the uneditable combo box, which features a button and a drop-down list of values. The second form, called the editable combo box, features a text field with a small button abutting it. The user can type a value in the text field or click the button to display a drop-down list. Here's what the two forms of combo boxes look like in the Java look and feel:

Combo boxes require little screen space, and their editable (text field) form is useful for letting the user quickly choose a value without limiting the user to the displayed values. Other components that can display one-of-many choices are groups of radio buttons and lists. Groups of radio buttons are generally the easiest for users to understand, but combo boxes can be more appropriate when space is limited or more than a few choices are available. Lists are not terribly attractive, but they're more appropriate than combo boxes when the number of items is large (say, over 20) or when selecting multiple items might be valid.

This combo box contains an array of strings, but you could just as easily use icons instead. To put anything else into a combo box or to customize how the items in a combo box look, you need to write a custom renderer. An editable combo box would also need a custom editor. Refer to Providing a Custom Renderer for information and an example.

The preceding code registers an action listener on the combo box. To see the action listener implementation and learn about other types of listeners supported by combo box, refer to Handling Events on a Combo Box.

No matter which constructor you use, a combo box uses a combo box model to contain and manage the items in its menu. When you initialize a combo box with an array or a vector, the combo box creates a default model object for you. As with other Swing components, you can customize a combo box in part by implementing a custom model — an object that implements the ComboBoxModel interface.

Be careful when implementing a custom model for a combo box. The JComboBox methods that change the items in the combo box's menu, such as insertItemAt, work only if the data model implements the MutableComboBoxModel interface (a subinterface of ComboBoxModel). Refer to the API tables to see which methods are affected.

Something else to watch out for — even for uneditable combo boxes — is ensuring that your custom model fires list data events when the combo box's data or state changes. Even immutable combo box models, whose data never changes, must fire a list data event (a CONTENTS_CHANGED event) when the selection changes. One way to get the list data event firing code for free is to make your combo box model a subclass of AbstractListModel.

This action listener gets the newly selected item from the combo box, uses it to compute the name of an image file, and updates a label to display the image. The combo box fires an action event when the user selects an item from the combo box's menu. See How to Write an Action Listener, for general information about implementing action listeners.

Combo boxes also generate item events, which are fired when any of the items' selection state changes. Only one item at a time can be selected in a combo box, so when the user makes a new selection the previously selected item becomes unselected. Thus two item events are fired each time the user selects a different item from the menu. If the user chooses the same item, no item events are fired. Use addItemListener to register an item listener on a combo box. How to Write an Item Listener gives general information about implementing item listeners.

Although JComboBox inherits methods to register listeners for low-level events — focus, key, and mouse events, for example — we recommend that you don't listen for low-level events on a combo box. Here's why: A combo box is a compound component — it is comprised of two or more other components. The combo box itself fires high-level events such as action events. Its subcomponents fire low-level events such as mouse, key, and focus events. The low-level events and the subcomponent that fires them are look-and-feel-dependent. To avoid writing look-and-feel-dependent code, you should listen only for high-level events on a compound component such as a combo box. For information about events, including a discussion about high- and low-level events, refer to Writing Event Listeners.

This code is very similar to the previous example, but warrants a few words of explanation. The bold line of code explicitly turns on editing to allow the user to type values in. This is necessary because, by default, a combo box is not editable. This particular example allows editing on the combo box because its menu does not provide all possible date formatting patterns, just shortcuts to frequently used patterns.

An editable combo box fires an action event when the user chooses an item from the menu and when the user types Enter. Note that the menu remains unchanged when the user enters a value into the combo box. If you want, you can easily write an action listener that adds a new item to the combo box's menu each time the user types in a unique value.

A combo box uses a renderer to display each item in its menu. If the combo box is uneditable, it also uses the renderer to display the currently selected item. An editable combo box, on the other hand, uses an editor to display the selected item. A renderer for a combo box must implement the ListCellRenderer interface. A combo box's editor must implement ComboBoxEditor. This section shows how to provide a custom renderer for an uneditable combo box. e24fc04721

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