Solving word problems for all groups may be as impossible as solving all mathematical problems.

Max Dehn......

Add Headings and they will appear in your table of contents.

17-01-2022: Lecture 1: Introduction, Word combinatorics, Presentation of a given group, Dehn fundamental problem.

23-01-2022: Lecture 2: Given a presentation existence of a unique group, Introduction to free groups.

30-01-2022: Lecture 3: Introduction to Coxeter groups.

06-02-2022: Guest lecture by Mr. Pravin Kumar (Finite groups generated by reflections).

13-02-2022: Guest lecture by Mr. Harish Kishnani (Word maps on finite groups).

20-02-2022: Lecture 4: Elementary properties of Coxeter groups. (Note up to Lecture 4)

27-02-2022: Lecture 5: Root systems, and linearity of Coxeter groups. (Note of Lecture 5)

06-03-2022: Lecture 6: Parabolic subgroups, Length function, and Roots.