About Da Lat


Hidden away in the Central Highlands, Dalat plays the cooler cousin to Vietnam's seaside destinations. Famous for its countryside charm, Dalat draws couples, outdoor enthusiasts, and golf enthusiasts alike. This mountain resort town was once a summer getaway for the French, who left their mark in European-inspired architecture and manicured, rolling lawns. Dalat's main lake is the centre of the action, but countless treasures await in the hills as well.

How to come

_ From Ho Chi Minh: Attender should refer the following page for the basic information

http://thanhbuoi.com.vn/ Contact: 19006079

_ From some provinces from center of Vietnam such as Hue, Da Nang, Quy Nhom, Quang Ngai... The best choice is this transportation company

https://futabus.vn/  Contact: 19006067