Combat Flight Simulator 3 (with Firepower from A2A Mod)

Old but still good because with that mod it includes some crewable bombers and secret weapons that not includes on other ww2 combat flight sims

Wings Over the Reich

Much updated and empowered (that includes beautiful modern graphics) standalone mod of CFS3. It only covers Battle of Britain but have one of the best dynamic campaign ever made in the genre.

Combat Flight Sim Free Download


I agree that IL-2 Great Battles is the over all better WWII sim.

However, there are some really good campaigns available for the Spitfire, in DCS. I must say I prefer the aircraft modelling of the DCS Spit IX, over its IL-2 counterpart. Most of that is due to the clickable cockpit, which is awesome in VR. But, like already mentioned, YMMV.

IL-2 BOS and COD tend to be quick WW2 fixes for me. I can imagine that they would be both excellent for MP. The B/C Mustang and Mossie are incredibly beautiful and fun to fly. Never mind that the early Stang only has 4 x .50s. It can shred enemy fighters as you channel your inner Gentile and Godfrey. The Mossie is a beast that can hunt bombers as well as move serious mud. The way that you almost have to loft the rockets seems realistic, is a challenge, but huge fun when you get it right.

However, my most immersive single player experience by far is flying Reflected WW2 campaigns. The way that he forces you to fly the aircraft and communicate as historically correct as possible, adds so much to the experience. DCS, with all of its faults, still has superior radio and scripted voice ability over the IL-2 offerings, especially in the hands of a skilled mission designer.

I hear you about controlling a fighter, especially at high altitude. The secret is being fingertip delicate with pitch control. Hold on to airspeed and altitude like your life depends on it, because it does. It often feels like you are having engine trouble or that the sim is broken. But no, you are flying in very thin air. Remember that airspeed displays lower at altitude and that your enemy has the same challenges. Resist the temptation to dive after enemy aircraft. Make them come to you.

All SCA flights are instructional in nature conducted by certified flight instructors in accordance with federal aviation regulations under 14 CFR Part 61 of the United States Code. Instruction will be provided during ground and flight portions for all flights.

Combat flight simulators are vehicle simulation games, amateur flight simulation computer programs used to simulate military aircraft and their operations. These are distinct from dedicated flight simulators used for professional pilot and military flight training which consist of realistic physical recreations of the actual aircraft cockpit, often with a full-motion platform.

Combat flight simulation titles are more numerous than civilian flight simulators due to the variety of subject matter available and market demand. Many free flight simulators, such as the open source Linux Air Combat, Falcon 4.0, Digital Combat Simulator and Rise of Flight, can be downloaded for free off the Internet.

Prior to the rise of modern-day video games, electro-mechanical games (EM games) were produced that used rear image projection in a manner similar to a zoetrope to produce moving animations on a screen.[1] This technology led to the rise of flight simulation arcade games, initially in the form of EM games. One such EM game was Jet Rocket, a flight simulator released by Sega in 1970 that featured cockpit controls that could move the player's aircraft around a landscape displayed on a screen and shoot missiles at targets that would explode when hit.[2] The game displayed three-dimensional terrain with buildings, produced using special belt technology along with fluorescent paint to simulate a night view.[3] Upon its debut, the game was cloned by three Chicago arcade manufacturers, which led to the game under-performing in North America.[4] Sega released several other similar EM flight combat games, including Dive Bomber (1971) and Air Attack (1972).[5]

Combat flight simulator video games began appearing from the late 1970s. In 1975, Taito released the arcade video game simulator Interceptor,[6] an early first-person combat flight simulator that involved piloting a jet fighter using an eight-way joystick to aim and shoot at enemy aircraft.[7]

Sega's last EM combat flight simulator was Heli-Shooter (1977), which combines the use of a CPU processor with electro-mechanical components, screen projection and audio tape deck. The gameplay involves the player piloting a helicopter using a throttle joystick (to accelerate and decelerate) and pedals (to maneuver left and right) across a realistic three-dimensional landscape and shooting at military targets across the landscape.[8][9] In Japan, it was one of the top ten highest-grossing EM arcade games of 1977,[10] and it released in North America the same year.[9]

The 1980s experienced a wave of more advanced simulation video games, with companies such as Atari Inc. releasing their own game called Red Baron in 1980, which used QuadraScan graphics and sound effects to simulate first-person flight combat.[11] Other games such as the earliest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator (1982) had crude graphics, simple flight models, and a combat option with "dog fighting" in a World War I Sopwith Camel. Shortly after Microsoft Flight Simulator was released for the 8-bit computer, Microsoft released Jet in 1985. This simulator used simple filled wire frame graphics and a small generic battle space to allow players to fight MiGs in an F-18 or F-16. There were also titles released for the Atari 2600 that simulated flight combat, two examples being Mattel's Air Raiders (1982) and Milton Bradley's Spitfire Attack (1983).

Later in the 1980s, it became a trend for arcade flight combat simulators to use hydraulic motion simulator arcade cabinets.[12][13] The trend was sparked by Sega's "taikan" games, with "taikan" meaning "body sensation" in Japanese.[13] Yu Suzuki's team at Sega (later known as Sega AM2) developed hydraulic motion simulator cockpit cabinets for flight combat games such as Space Harrier (1985), After Burner (1987) and the R360 games.[12][14]

In the early 1990s, arcade flight combat simulators began adopting 3D polygon graphics. Taito's Air Inferno (1990) was a 3D flight simulator utilizing a motion simulator cockpit cabinet. Atari Games followed with the 3D flight combat simulator the following year, Steel Talons (1991).[15] Namco then followed with the 3D arcade combat flight simulator Air Combat (1993).[16]

During the 1990s to early 2000s, there was a transition from traditional video game platforms like arcades, to consoles such as the original PlayStation, for their ability to be played at home. PC games remained popular during this time, as many publishers continued to produce games primarily for the PC platform. Due to the limitations and the relative simplicity of the controllers available for gaming consoles at the time, flight simulators remained largely absent from consoles for years to come.[17] Several rival publishers rose during this period such as NovaLogic with titles like the Comanche Series that simulated helicopter combat, and Electronic Arts with Jane's WWII Fighters which improved upon features such as detailed visible damage.

Combat flight simulators are classified according to their historical period, type of aircraft, and level of detail. This method of classifying means that many simulators belong to more than one category, which leads to arguments about what can be considered actual simulations instead of games. Generally, simulations are expected to be imitations of real-world technology, while games are not; therefore, every game with flying in them does not fit into the category of "flight simulation."

Arcade-style combat flight simulators have various elements that are less realistic than other simulators, such as simplified controls and physics models, compressed or non-existent start up times, emphasis on close-range dogfighting over beyond-visual-range combat for modern jets, and the ability to carry a physically impossible amount of weapons compared to real-life aircraft loadouts. Examples of console or PC games include Ace Combat, H.A.W.X., and Project Wingman.

Many arcade combat flight simulators in amusement arcades are housed in cockpit arcade cabinets that use motion simulator technology, often incorporating hydraulics. Popular examples include the original arcade versions of After Burner, Thunder Blade and Air Combat. Sega's R360 motion simulator cabinet notably features full 360-degree rotation, used by the arcade games G-LOC: Air Battle and Wing War.[12]

A survey simulation is a classification of simulator that includes a variety (or survey) of aircraft from the period in question. This type of classification applies to many historical combat simulators, and typically includes aircraft from all nations participating in the conflict. Early simulators suffered from flight models and instrument panels that differed little between aircraft. As the technology got better, so did the diversity of aircraft, which forced the virtual pilot to learn the carefully modelled strengths and weaknesses of the various types of aircraft (e.g. the different fighting and flying styles of a Spitfire versus a Messerschmitt 109 in IL-2 Sturmovik or a Mitsubishi Zero versus a US Navy F4F Wildcat in Combat Flight Simulator 2).

Modern jet survey simulators have been developed as well, such as US Navy Fighters (USNF) and Jane's USAF by Jane's/Electronic Arts, typically with simplified and generic modelling of radar, navigation, and weapons. The turn of the century saw advancements in technology that increased the capabilities of these simulators, simplifying and improving their weapon handling and flight models, as well as updated visuals. Titles featuring these improvements include Jane's Combat Simulations, a line of flight simulations originally developed by Electronic Arts and later continued by the company Third Wire, as well as the series Strike Fighters: Project 1 and Wings over Europe. 152ee80cbc

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