

Benjamin Blum-Smith - Johns Hopkins University, US

Degree bounds for rational invariants


Silvia Boumova - Sofia University, BG

Symmetric polynomials in free associative algebras over a field of arbitrary characteristic 


Calin Chindris - University of Missouri, US

Hive-type polytopes for quiver semi-invariants and the membership problem for quiver moment cones


Mátyás Domokos - Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, HU

On the classification of moduli spaces of quiver representations 


Vesselin Drensky - Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG

From commutative to noncommutative Invariant Theory: transfer of results 


Jonathan Elmer - Middlesex University, UK

Minimum separating sets for matrix invariants 


Elitza Hristova - Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG

On the GL(n)-module structure of some relatively free algebras and applications to noncommutative invariant theory 


Gregor Kemper - Technische Universität München, DE

Distance geometry, algebra and drones 


Artem Lopatin - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), BR

Pairs of matrices with simple spectrum  


Pedro Antonio Muniz Martins - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), BR

Separating invariants for two-dimensional orthogonal groups over finite fields


Rebecca Patrias - University of St Thomas, US

Web invariants for noncrossing partitions


Claudio Procesi - Università di Roma La Sapienza, IT

Equivariant tensor polynomials and their identities 


Fabian Reimers - Technische Universität München, DE

Vector invariants of permutations groups in characteristic zero 


Preena Samuel - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, IN

Invariants of mixed tensor spaces 


Victoria Sevostyanova - University of Samara, RU

Invariants of equivalence classes on the set of tight frames 


Rustam Turdibaev - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, ES

Defining relations of invariants of two 4 x 4 matrices 


Jurij Volčič - Drexel University, US

Invariant noncommutative rational functions 


Alexandr Zubkov - United Arab Emirates University, AE

Separating invariants for octonions 
