RPi & Kodi
I've seen lots of articles on putting Kodi on a Raspberry Pi. I've tried it a few times. Most of the time, once I load my whole collection, the interface slows down. This is true for the RPi 2 and the RPi3.
I haven't tried it on the Raspberry Pi 4.
Table of Contents
Rough Notes
I'm using raspian lite to keep things, well, lite. Or better said minimal. I've used a few other websites, down in resources and modified to my tastes, both in how to install and the final setup.
Hooked up the Raspberry Pi to a keyboard, mouse & monitor with sound through HDMI (important if that is what you're doing you ultimately targeting).
"Burned" img and started with the "1st thing" steps. Note I created a regular user to manage things, and an unprivileged user called "koditv" to actually auto-login and run kodi.
sudo raspi-config -> Interfacing -> SSH -> yes (enabled).
I then ssh'ed as a privileged user from my laptop to do most configurations.
sudo usermod -a -G audio,video,input,dialout,plugdev,netdev,users,cdrom,tty koditv.
sudo raspi-config -> Advanced -> Memory Split -> 256 (some instructions say just 160, but 256 seems to work better for me).
sudo raspi-config -> Advanced -> GL Driver -> Legacy.
sudo apt-get install kodi rpd-plym-splash
reboot again
log in locally to the raspberry pi as koditv & run kodi-standalone
navigate around, download & play a video and/or song, etc. i.e. check things that you want to do on Kodi
back on laptop, sudo nano -w /lib/systemd/system/kodi.service and paste in below;
Description = Kodi Media Center
After = remote-fs.target network-online.target
Wants = network-online.target
User = koditv
Group = koditv
Type = simple
ExecStart = /usr/bin/kodi
Restart = on-abort
RestartSec = 5
WantedBy = multi-user.target
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service
reboot & make sure Kodi starts up
ssh in again, and sudo nano -w /etc/dhcpcd.conf and set a static IP (I know some folks dislike this, but when setting up a home network, DNS and naming is not usually setup)
Notes 2
Install ubuntu server
Install stuff: kodi lightdm plymouth-themes openbox xterm
Create generic user (useradd koditv)
Configure/clean-up lightdm:
rm /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop
rm /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu-xorg.desktop
create /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.confi.d/50-autostart.conf
change /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.confi.d/50-ubunty.conf to kodi (name & session)