
Fan Liu (MIEEE) received the Ph.D. and the BEng. degrees from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2018 and 2013, respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He has previously held academic poisitions in the University College London (UCL), firstly as a visiting Ph.D. student from 2016 to 2018, and then as a Marie Curie Fellow from 2018 to 2020. He was the recipient of the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award of Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2019, the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in 2018, and has been named as an Exemplary Reviewers for IEEE Journals. He is an Editor of the IEEE Communications Letters, a Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special Issue on "Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)", and a Founding Member of the IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Special Interest Group (SIG) on ISAC. His research interests include vehicular network, massive MIMO and mmWave communications, and radar signal processing.

Christos Masouros (SMIEEE, MIET) received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2004, and MSc by research and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2006 and 2009 respectively. In 2008 he was a research intern at Philips Research Labs, UK. Between 2009-2010 he was a Research Associate in the University of Manchester and between 2010-2012 a Research Fellow in Queen's University Belfast. In 2012 he joined University College London as a Lecturer. He has held a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship between 2011-2016.

He is currently a Professor in the Information and Communication Engineering research group, Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and affiliated with the Institute for Communications and Connected Systems, University College London. His research interests lie in the field of wireless communications and signal processing with particular focus on Green Communications, Large Scale Antenna Systems, Communications and Radar Co-existence, interference mitigation techniques for MIMO and multicarrier communications. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards in the IEEE GlobeCom 2015 and IEEE WCNC 2019 conferences, and has been recognised as an Exemplary Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, and as an Exemplary Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He has been an Associate Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and a Guest Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing issues “Exploiting Interference towards Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Communications” and “Hybrid Analog / Digital Signal Processing for Hardware-Efficient Large Scale Antenna Arrays”. He is currently an elected member of the EURASIP SAT Committee on Signal Processing for Communications and Networking.

Constantinos B. Papadias (FIEEE) is the Executive Director of the Research, Technology and Innovation Network (RTIN) of The American College of Greece, where he is also a faculty member, since Feb. 1, 2020. Prior to this, he was the Scientific Director / Dean of Athens Information Technology (AIT), in Athens, Greece, where he was also Head of the Broadband Wireless and Sensor Networks (B-WiSE) Research Group. He is also Adjunct Professor at Aalborg University and at the University of Cyprus. He received the Diploma of Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1991 and the Doctorate degree in Signal Processing (highest honors) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), Paris, France, in 1995. He was a researcher at Institut Eurécom (1992-1995), Stanford University (1995-1997) and Bell Labs (as Member of Technical Staff from 1997-2001 and as Technical Manager from 2001-2006). He was also Adjunct Professor at Columbia University (2004-2005) and Carnegie Mellon University (2006-2011). He has published over 200 papers and 4 books and has received over 9000 citations for his work, with an h-index of 44. He has also made standards contributions and holds 12 patents. He was a member of the Steering Board of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) from 2002-2006, a member and industrial liaison of the IEEE’s Signal Processing for Communications Technical Committee from 2003-2008 and a National Representative of Greece to the European Research Council’s IDEAS program from 2007-2008. He has served as member of the IEEE Communications Society’s Fellow Evaluation and Awards Committees, as well as an Associate Editor for various journals. He has contributed to the organization of several conferences, including, as General Chair, the IEEE CTW 2016 and the IEEE SPAWC 2018 workshops. He has acted as Technical Coordinator in several EU projects such as: CROWN in the area of cognitive radio; HIATUS in the area of interference alignment; HARP in the area of remote radio heads and ADEL in the area of licensed shared access. He is currently the Research Coordinator of the European Training Network project PAINLESS on the topic of energy autonomous infrastructure-less wireless networks and the Technical Coordinator of the EU CHIST-ERA project FIREMAN on the topic of predictive maintenance via machine type wireless communication systems. His distinctions include the Bell Labs President’s Award (2002), the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Young Author Best Paper Award (2003), a Bell Labs Teamwork Award (2004), his recognition as a “Highly Cited Greek Scientist” (2011), two IEEE conference paper awards (2013, 2014) and a “Best Booth” Award at EUCNC (2016). He has also been shortlisted twice for the Bell Labs Prize (2014, 2019). He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society for 2012-2013. He was appointed Fellow of IEEE in 2013 and Fellow of the European Alliance of Innovation (EAI) in 2019.