Columbus County 

Parks and Recreation 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:30am-12pm & 1pm-5pm

Welcome to Columbus County Parks and Recreation Department. Our goal as a department

 is to provide recreational activities to better enhance the quality of life of our citizens in Columbus County. 

Upcoming Events

Parks & Rec Staff assisting at the 2024 Veterans Day Parade

Veterans Coloring Contest winner receiving her ribbon from the Columbus County Arts Council & Vietnam Veterans of America

Veterans Coloring Contest 2024 Winners

Touchstone Energy Sports Camp Scholarship Program 

Each year, Four County EMC awards one middle school boy a full scholarship to attend the Carolina Basketball School in Chapel Hill, and one middle school girl a scholarship to attend the Wolfpack Women’s Basketball Camp in Raleigh through the Touchstone Energy Sports Camp Scholarship Program. These scholarships cover all expenses at the overnight camps, which will include meals and lodging (scholarship winners are responsible for their own transportation to and from camp). Campers will stay in dorms and experience life on a college campus, and practice drills with NCAA coaches and athletes. Beyond the physical benefits of playing sports, campers will gain skills that will develop their character and help them excel on and off the court, like working as a team and connecting with new friends.


Students who will be in sixth or seventh grade during the 2025-2026 school year are eligible to apply. All applicants must complete an application and have a parent or guardian’s signature.


2025 Camp Dates




More Information

Recreation Advisory Board Meetings


The Columbus County Parks and Recreation will hold quarterly Recreation Advisory Board meetings in 2025 on the following dates:

JANUARY 16 - at 6:00 P.M.

APRIL 14 - at 6:00 P.M.

JULY 14 - at 6:00 P.M.

OCTOBER 13 - at 6:00 P.M.

Each meeting will be held in the Columbus County Parks and Recreation Office located at 306 Jefferson Street, Whiteville.