Columbine Roots

This is the website for
Leawood Elementary's School Garden. Welcome!

Interested in helping? New ideas?
or text the Parent Lead at (720) 284-1393-Brenton.

Each Grade has a Bed- Have your child show you which bed is theirs!

Summer 2024 and the Leawood Garden is looking great!

Student Leadership cleaning up the Garden

April 2, 2024

April 20, 2023 Columbine Day of Service

An April 30, 2022 we planted a white ornamental crabapple tree, painted tables and got the beds ready for another year of veggies and flowers!

Our theme is GNOMES!

Bring a new gnome or fairy to the garden to keep adding to the gnome population!

Look for Gnomes on Amazon and mail them to Leawood Elementary (Click)
Send the gnomes to Martha Shehan, 6155 W. Leawood Drive, Littleton, CO 80123.

Thank you Kristi Mueller for starting the brick fundraiser and building the tree ring!

#WeAreColumbine #ColumbineServes  Thank you Columbine Students for helping on 4/20/22

The outdoor classroom

Could be a fun project!

This picnic table is at the front of the school by the flag pole

You can always add flowers to a bare spot in the garden over the summer

Bring your dinner down to the garden!

Every year the kids guess how many seeds are in a sunflower head

GARDEN ART CLUB! Established 2022. 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders making the garden more fun, organized and beautiful!