The CCAC goal for Jackson County is to have a 75% FAFSA completion rate, which aligns with the Michigan goal of having 75% FAFSA completion for the whole state. Columbia Central is averaging 76.32%.  All data provided is straight from the FAFSA website, and the student count is from the counselor from your school. 


The CCAC is dedicated to making sure our students get the benefits for every program which they are eligible. One of these programs is called the Tuition Incentive Program, also known as TIP. This is a scholarship through the State of Michigan that helps students with tuition costs at a community college and some 4-year colleges.


At the CCAC we track how many students enter into a 2-4 year within 6 months of graduation after high school.  We also focus on making sure our economically disadvantaged students and students of color are reaching their goals. We are looking forward to increasing our percentages over the next few years. 


This information was taken from PowerSchool at the beginning of each year.

DATA SOURCE: PowerSchool

Over the past three years, we have met with more than 250 Columbia Central students in their senior year. 


Post-Secondary Completion Rate by Graduating Class

The data collected to measure the post-secondary completion rate is from MI School Data.

MI School Data Post-Secondary Parent Dashboard

This Parent Dashboard provides easy access to valuable student and school information to guide decisions and encourage conversations. This includes student-to-staff ratio, college completion/persistence, attendance information, and more. Click on the heading above to explore the MI School Parent Dashboard.

U.S. Census Bureau Data

The U.S. Census Bureau Data provides a variety of information and data points about the population of Jackson County, Michigan including employment and post-secondary attainment rates. Click on the heading above to explore the U.S. Census Bureau Data.