Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Color Path


Duarte Martins

1. Information Collected:

Color Path does not intentionally collect any personally identifiable information from its users. However, the game may utilize third-party services, such as Unity Ads, for advertising purposes. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these services for information on data collection and usage.

2. In-App Purchases:

Color Path offers in-app purchases through the Google Play Store and the App Store. Please refer to the privacy policies of these platforms for details on how they handle user data related to transactions.

3. Data Storage and Security:

No personal information is stored by Color Path. The game prioritizes the security of user data and follows industry best practices to protect against unauthorized access.

4. User Controls:

As Color Path does not collect or store personal information, users have limited controls within the game related to data privacy. Any user-provided information associated with in-app purchases is subject to the privacy policies of the respective app stores.

5. Contact:

For any privacy-related concerns, questions, or requests, users can contact us at

6. Policy Updates:

Any updates to this privacy policy will be communicated through the app store listing or directly within the game.