
Overall Application

colorMe was designed with aesthetics in mind. When you open our app you are greeted by a home screen in which multiple options are displayed. What differentiates our app from other applications is our usage of fragments, which adds to the feeling of connection and flow between activities.

Coloring Interface

The majority of the screen is where drawing activity will take place. Then, the top and bottom of the screen will be used to display various tools for the user.

Here are the tools that user has available:

  • Brush size
  • 12 different colors to draw with
  • Eraser (including different sizes)

Challenges Faced

Challenges faced with designing the app....

1) We have had trouble using Android layouts because it does not always do what you expect it to. We have had to make custom view objects (our drawing interface).

2) Hard to visualize an aesthetically pleasing application without a considerable amount of work done on mockups.

3) Saving photos in an organized way and loading them in a gallery. This is because we don't know how many files are stored in the phone. We were not completely sure how this will work while we planned the application's design.

4) Varying phones may have very low resolution cameras, and therefore, the quality of the photo and edge detection may not be ideal in these cases. This is especially true for the college phones that were loaned out to us.