While the rest of my app will change its color palette as expected, however it doesn't for my TabBar. Using Theme.of(context) to get the primary color doesn't work either, as the Theme's color scheme doesn't seem to change at all.

@ShannonTozier The dashboards provide the Hex code of the color, and the easiest way to find that is clicking on the dashboard element that you colorized, opening the edit widget and then going to the color section. In the graphic below, I have the Chart Widget open, and the series selected with the color listed. If I NEED the RGB value, I google the hex code number followed by in RGB example for the below is 577bbd in RGB, and then good returns the values.

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If this was me, since that view will not open the custom color view panel, I would (for the sake of extraction) create a fake chart, to pull the color codes out. The custom colors are unique to a dashboard, but usable for other widgets on the same dashboard, so it will let you use them to configure a different visual. Once done, you can remove the sample chart widget. Below is the help text found on the Smartsheet help article regarding custom dashboard colors:

However, this is not a good solution as it is essentially hard coded into the widget and a client will not understand why the widget colors aren't changing with the theme. Is there a special trick I'm missing to make this work? Before overriding the colors in my css for the widget, I am only setting up some minor css for the various elements to use flex boxes so everything is aligned nicely, not doing anything with modifying the jimu classes.

The themes color is as you see only applied to the widget titlebar and header controller widget and such. You will notice that on screen widget placeholders and Zoom control buttons, etc are not using the theme color either. There is just no css rules in place to make those other components use the theme color yet. I setup css rules in my widgets to handle the matching of the theme color to components in my widget UI. I am not sure the dev team has any plans to make all widget components take on the theme color, but for now you are not missing something simple, you just jsut need to add css rules to your widgets.

Ok, so I took your advice and added a method within my widget to match the current theme. It is pretty sloppy and could probably be handled much better, but this is what I came up with (I use jquery in most of my widgets):

Since this is something I may be using in many future widgets, I have created a module to change the style of elements in the widget to match Web App Builder App's theme (or based on the color of any element). I have called it "ThemeStyle.js", and it can be downloaded from GitHub in case anyone else is having this issue and wants an easy way to style the widget to match the theme.

Tertiary colors are used for contrasting accents that can be used tobalance primary and secondary colors or bring heightened attention toan element, such as an input field. The tertiary colors are leftfor makers to use at their discretion and are intended to supportbroader color expression in products.

Many of the colors have matching 'on' colors, which are used for drawingcontent on top of the matching color. For example, if something is usingprimary for a background color, onPrimary would be used to paint textand icons on top of it. For this reason, the 'on' colors should have acontrast ratio with their matching colors of at least 4.5:1 in order tobe readable.

To globally set the AppBar background color for your app, youcan set the ThemeData.appBarTheme property for your MaterialAppusing the ThemeData class. You can also overridethe default appearance of all the AppBars in a widget subtree byplacing the AppBarTheme at the root of the subtree.

Alternatively, you can set the ThemeData.colorScheme propertyto a custom ColorScheme. This creates a unified ColorScheme to beused across the app. The AppBar.backgroundColor uses theColorScheme.surface by default.

Is there a way for me to have all the colorschemes uncommented and have something like a single variable where i input the theme name and that one picks the colors from that theme, something like there (Line 224-582):

I have a widget with three formula indicators displayed inside. All three of these have targets applied to them, but only two of them show the color scheme for that target. All three formula indicators display data, and all three show the target in the sparkline chart next to the indicator data. The third does not display the target's defined color scheme despite having the same settings as the other ones. All three target sets use the same 3 color target scheme. All three show percentages of data.

Color coding on the Calendar widget needs to be specific and customizable! I recently discovered that my coworkers all see a complete different color scheme for the items on the same calendar widget. Colors should be consistent across all board users and should be able to be set by the users.

I have two charts on my dashboard, one looks at value split up by project type, the other looks at time again split up by project type. I really wish I could adjust the colors because for some reason Monday.com assigns random colors and the SAME PROJECT TYPE will have two different colors. (see screenshot). Level 3 on the top chart is blue but then on the bottom chart level 2 is blue 

My team likes to look at these two items together and compare the time it takes for a project type vs the revenue it brings it and having the colors differ makes it very confusing.

I love Dashboards but we really need to be able to set our own colors. I want each chart color to represent an item consistently across one dashboard. It melts my brain to have to readjust every time I go from chart to chart on the same Dashboard.

Same here. I have colors set for other charts and the auto-color in the pie chart makes it difficult to tell them apart across the board. Please add feature for us to control the color scheme of the pie chart.

Thank you!

We are thinking about adopting Monday.com and not being able to change colors in bar charts could be a deal-breaker. For example, if a bar chart shows a negative number (bar below the x axis), really want to color it red!

I would very much appreciate the ability to assign colors in the dashboard areas. We use a capacity planning calendar segmented by team member, but each time we access the dashboard the colors change. This inconsistency is not desirable - please open the ability to assign permanent colors within dashboard widgets.

Effectively, a super wide view of modes where the settings of the variable are at file level. For this client, spacing is 20px, for another its 40px. Or, having an icon library where it automatically knows icons should be whatever icon-color-primary is inside of the Figma file.

Is the best solution to drag in the component from the master Elementor file, create it as a new local component and override? I want to avoid have to avoid recreating variables and linking them up since that takes up a lot of time, especially since some widgets are complex.

Thanks for your feedback. When you change color scheme do you change it for the interface and widgets, or just the interface? The sidebar panes are called widgets, and they can use a separate color scheme.

When I change the color scheme and click Apply, I see a popup with checkboxes for Editor, Interface and Widgets. I was checking all three, but then, when I would click OK, and then Apply, I would briefly see that small Editor / Interface / Widgets popup appear, for a split second, and the Widgets checkbox was not checked, and then that small popup would disappear and then the changes would apply.

This is just one example. I was able to figure out how to change the CSS to display a different color for this, but there are other widgets with different types of fonts (headings styles, etc) that also have a white font on white background.

Thank you for writing in! different widgets have different classes that applied to them that cause them to have a different properties. However, you can overwrite those properties if your css selector is stronger than the present class applied. Example the present class for the header of sidebar widget is h-widget which has an black color on text. To over write that you need to use an stronger class that would take the precedence and applied its property like .x-sidebar .h-widget {color: blue;} this would make your sidebar header color blue.

Hi Guys,

 SiteOrigin Page Builder has integrated with Flash Pro so I decided to give it a spin. I have searched the web extensively for ways to change fonts, font sizes and font colors in Widgets with most responses referring to either css classes or css styles in attributes. I have tried a few css options but cannot get the results.

You can define app-wide themes.You can extend a theme to change a theme style for one component.Each theme defines the colors, type style, and other parametersapplicable for the type of Material component.

In this guide, we will teach you how to dominate your color preferences. Before anything else, make sure that you have already installed our colorful application. Go with the flow as you explore which color suits you! Here are the steps that will help you expand your widget user experience through adding ScreenKit color widget: e24fc04721

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