To convert color from one format to another, select the source format in the Color Format option and enter each of the color components. Then change the color format, the conversion is automatically applied.

Hi @walt.farrell I came across this topic because I'm trying to pick a color and was running into the same problem of the Color Picker flooding the entire image. I unchecked "Apply to selection" as you suggested but now the Color Picker seems to not pick up anything at all. The swatch in the Swatches or Color panel doesn't change. I must be doing something very basically wrong, but then why would it pick up the color only with "Apply to selection" checked? ? Thanks

Color Picker From Image

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EDIT: I just found a tutorial that explains the color picker in the Color panel. It's not very intuitive but now I know... since it's solved I wanted to erase this post but I can't seem to do that (just "edit" and "hide"): sorry....

EDIT: I just found a tutorial that explains the color picker in the Color panel. It's not very intuitive but now I know... since it's solved I wanted to erase this post but I can't seem to do that (just "edit" and "hide"): sorry...

Yes there is. Add a color to the model, go to In Model, select the color and go to the Edit tab. Click on the icon with the eye dropper on the monitor. Sample the color as desired. This works for sampling images outside the model window, too.

I want to create an image editor on my page. So, suppose that I have an image of a car. Now I want to be able to change the color of each part of the car (hood, doors, wheels, etc). So when I click on the hood of the car, I can go to a color picker and choose a color and then the hood's color will change to the color I selected.

If you want to match RGB values between Photoshop and Xcode exactly (without conversion between colorspaces) then you need to save your images in generic RGB and enter any dropper values using the generic RGB colorspace.

Basically, what I did to solve my issues, was to choose from the RGB "types" select (that little square under the color picker) the Apple RGB option, and enter the R, G and B values manually, instead of using the picker.

Giving Color Tools a try. Once I select a hex color in the editor and open Color Tools, it shows the hex value in the picker. But now how do I get the new color back into the editor? Is it just a cut and paste operation? I thought this was more automatic than that. Am I missing something?

I have started new color picker plugin specially for Sublime Text, and I hope it will be finished as soon as possible. In that plugin, you do not need even to select a color anymore, you just move the caret and hit a shortcut, and it perfectly finds any color value under the cursor. Or you hit a shortcut to open the color picker window to generate a new color value.

the wrong sRGB color calculation is not a new thing and I really do not understand

why a sophisticated tool like DT does address highly complex modules

but does NOT address the basics of RGB calculation for display and color picker.

The principle with sRGB is:

For any pixel calculations you have to convert the nonlinear coded sRGB values

back to linear values. Then you can process and make any manipulations.

For example the average calculation of color picker or resizing images.

After this you have to convert this result back to nonlinear coded sRGB.

Without correct scaling of images in any zoom not equal to 100 %, the displayed image

will be wrong and the result is subject of misinterpretation!

This does not affect homogenous color areas, BUT it does affect any small details

(color and brighness variation between pixels).

It may well be on the backlog, but can I request a feature that these swatches are editable? E.g. drag and drop from native color picker, or load from a palette file or something (first 30 colors in the palette I guess) - or perhaps pick some objects and then generate swatches from them.

If I could alter the colors from within OmniGraffle itself, it would be a quicker way to get to the colors I most commonly use and not involve another floating window (soon gets crowded on some resolutions and desktop setups).

Now, why on earth would OG 7 have both the OG 6 freaky bob colour fill drop-down and the new colour swatches (your two images) ??? It is a good way to contradict oneself and to confuse users. You now have not one but two private locations that you can use to keep your preferred colours, in just one app. Which one (or both) do you want to be able to modify as a private OG colour picker ?

The fact that the colour picker drop-down exists, in OG 6 and 7 (image in second post), is ready evidence that the developer who produced it is a Windoze person: it is a classic Windozy, non-Apple, drop-down, replete with windead names.

the colours are given in a backward sequence, going from dark to light, whereas the human mind operates forwards, going from light to dark. (Refer to any of the Apple or non-Apple colour pickers, for what people have standardised upon, over the decades.)

Is this a bug ? Or somehow intended ? Which would be weird because why would you want to apply the picked color as a color-tint to the image - most of the time you just want to get a color. Did i tick something by accident ? I know i can untick something on the picker settings and that stops it, but the behaviour comes back when clicking a color in the color chooser.

Hi, I have recently check that the color picker in material node(RGB) gives me different values than color picker in UV/Image Editor. Guys can you confirm that this is some kind of bug, and if not then please can you help me understand why color picker in material node editor give me wrong values?

Firstly, I extracted bacterial area with [Adjust]>[Threshold] and [Edit]>[Selection]>[Create Selection]. Then, I registered ROI [Analyze]>[Tools]>[ROI Manager]>[Add].

After selection red channel image, I selected the registered ROI (the center image I uploaded). In this time, ROI was shown with cyan color. Then, I did DRAW ([Edit]>[Draw]) in order to save image with ROI. But, after DRAW, ROI line was shown with red color (the right image I uploaded).

If I understand what you mean, you want to be able to switch to the layer from which the selected pixel came. If that's what you want, I doubt it's practical. In many cases the color of a pixel depends on more than one layer. For example, if an upper layer's pixel is semi-transparent, or if an upper layer has a Blend Mode other than Normal. I suppose the layer-switching option could be grayed out except when the sampled pixel is an opaque pixel with only transparent pixels above it. Though in some cases the feature might be useful, I'm not optimistic Rick Brewster will find it to be worth adding. It seems rather specific to the way you use layers for what you're doing.

I just tried a method using one of my files, having set the color picker sampling to "Image", and changing "After click: switch to previous tool," in this case the paint brush was picked first, then the color picker. Working a new transparent layer and while using the color picker tool, I kept the left mouse button down while scanning for a color I wanted to pick, and let go of the mouse button. The tool then automatically switched to the paint brush.

By the way, I was able to do this using PDN alpha 5.0 version. I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but a bit of practice using the short cut keys, K (for color picker) and B (for paintbrush), I think it will become second-nature.

Was working fine this morning, I have no idea what I could have done to create this problem? Now when I mouse over my image, the color picker does change to an eyedropper, but no matter what part of the image I click on it shows white? #ffffff

The L: changes to 100, the a: changes to 0 and the b: changes to 0. It shows #ffffff no matter what. I can click on my desktop background and it changes to black. Other than that i can pick no other color but white? Anyone know what's happening? I'm trying to remove the yellowish/beigish hue from the pictures. The walls, curtains and couch were actually white.

@Virgin Any update on this at all? We are using the same approach as Jan with some of our wireframes and a color picker embedded would improve our workflow. Right now we are using a separate app to match the colors and this seems like an unnecessary step.

Photoshop uses the foreground colorto paint, fill, and stroke selections and the background colorto make gradient fills and fill in the erased areas of an image. Theforeground and background colors are also used by some special effects filters.

To select a new foreground color, clickin the image. Alternatively, position the pointer over the image,press the mouse button, and drag anywhere on the screen. The foregroundcolor selection box changes dynamically as you drag. Release themouse button to pick the new color.

To select a new background color, Alt-click (Windows)or Option-click (Mac OS) in the image. Alternatively, positionthe pointer over the image, press Alt (Windows) or Options (Mac OS),press the mouse button, and drag anywhere on the screen. The backgroundcolor selection box changes dynamically as you drag. Release themouse button to pick the new color. 2351a5e196

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