pygplates enables access to GPlates functionality via the Python programming language. This may be of particular use to researchers requiring more flexibility than is provided by the GPlates user interface.

Using gplates 2.2.0 on windows 10 64bit but lower end laptop. I first had the problem with a project open but it seems to happen even if the program is freshly opened. As soon as I click the tickbox the program freezes and I get the blue loading circle around my cursor. About 10 seconds later GPlates closes.

I tried downloading 2.3.0 and had the same issue.

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The GPlates Web Service was built upon pygplates. It allows users to access the GPlates functionalities via Internet. The GPlates Web Service has been containerized. Users can deploy the Docker container locally to enhance performance and data security.

The GPlately Python library is a high-level encapsulation of pygplates and PlateTectonicTools. It was created to accelerate the spatio-temporal data analysis. GPlately is available on PyPI and Conda (conda-forge channel).

The GPlates Portal ( is designed with a three-layered architecture consisting of presentation, logic and data layers. The layer is a logical concept of component groups, which divides a large system into different areas of functionality so that the complexity of the system can be minimized and each layer can be designed and implemented separately and efficiently. This multilayer architecture also provides the highest level of encapsulation and isolation, which decouples the system and reduces the ripple effect of changes to the system. Fig 1 illustrates the multilayered system architecture of the GPlates Portal.

(character) Argument of the local reconstruction submodule. In case the GPlates executable file is not found at the coded default location, the full path to the executable (gplates-.exe on Windows) can be entered here. e.g. "C:/gplates_2.3.0_win64/gplates.exe".

If model is a platemodel class object, then the function will try to use the GPLates desktop application ( ) to reconstruct the coordinates (local reconstruction submodule).Plate models are available in chronosphere with the fetch function. See datasets for the available models.The function will try to find the main GPlates executable in its default installation directory. If this does not succeed, use path.gplates to enter the full path to the GPlates executable as a character string.

Regional and global paleogeographic reconstructions document the changing arrangement of continents, oceanic gateways and environments shaping our planet's surface. However, traditional paleogeographic maps are typically snapshots with poor spatio-temporal resolutions, and often struggle to convey the logic and raw data that went into their construction. One exception is the Geoscience Australia (GA) Palaeogeographic Atlas, a regional dataset that documents the Phanerozoic evolution of Australia, while providing both raw input and interpretation in digital form that can be attached to any plate motion model. We demonstrate an approach that expands the Atlas by coupling it to the Paleobiology Database ( ), containing vital biogeographic data in addition to detailed host rock characterisations and vital spatio-temporal constraints. We couple the paleogeographic reconstructions and paleobiology to a Phanerozoic plate motion model using GPlates ( to study the nature of the active Devonian margin of eastern Australia, as well as the chronology and distribution of the advancing inland Eromanga Sea during the Cretaceous. Previous geodynamic modelling demonstrated the strong influence of subducting slabs on the dynamic topography of eastern Australia in the Cretaceous, which played a crucial role in the development and evolution of basins hosting hydrocarbon and opal resources. We show that numerical modelling and detailed regional paleogeographic reconstructions are important tools that can be applied to study basin evolution and hydrocarbon potential. Our approach highlights the need for data-rich paleogeographic reconstructions, like the GA Palaeogeographic Atlas, to form the basis of validating geodynamic simulations of the plate-mantle system. 2351a5e196

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