Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test is a 100-question survey for both boys and girls that validate a person’s level of maturity and innocence in the social world.

What is the Rice Purity Test?

  • The Rice Purity Test (aka “The Innocence Test”) is a 100-question survey that originated in Rice University.

  • It is a self-graded survey that assesses the participants’ supposed degree of innocence in worldly matters (sex, drugs, deceit, and other activities assumed to be vices), generally on a percentage scale with 0% being the least pure and 100% being the purest.

  • It used to be voluntarily tested by new students for bonding with other similar students. However, the Rice Purity Test is normally for fun nowadays.

  • We made this quiz in Jan 2020 based on the original version of the Rice Purity Test dozens of years ago, and upgraded both on the questions and results design.

  • A friendly reminder here: Try this ONLY when you’re 18+. Fun facts and Statistical Reports are available after taking this test.

What is special about this Rice Purity Test?

  • Our Rice Purity Test was designed in late 2019 and launched in Jan, 2020, much earlier than most other online rice purity tests.

  • There are at least five websites that directly took our design and content so we’re quite confident that we’re doing a good job.

  • During taking this Rice Purity Test, you will be able to view very interesting stats diving into each question.

  • The data is anonymously collected via Google Analytics. We also provide many insightful stats data about Rice Purity Test.

  • As the original Rice Purity Test was created dozens of years ago, we made a few changes to make it more compatible with today's lives. It can also serve as an innocence test to find out how “innocent” you are.

How does the Rice Purity test work?

Rice Purity test contains 100 questions, and the person needs to solve these questions by answering a Yes or No according to their real-life experience.

The answer score deviates from 0 to 100, and according to your answer, your score is calculated. For each positive answer, the score is assigned as 0, and negative answer, your score is +1.

While taking the test, Don't think twice about it because our sentiment analysis system measures your behavior and marks your answer as confused. It means you are lying and breaking the rule of the rice purity test.

Our purity test works for you to make a good deal with your partner and enhance your relationship to the next level.

Following are the easy steps to taking a rice purity test -

  1. To start the rice purity test, click on the 'Start Test button, and your questions appear on the screen.

  2. Answer all the questions by selecting the 'Yes' or 'No' options.

  3. Continue until your purity score is displayed on the screen.

  4. According to your score, Our sentimental analysis system analyzes your feeling for your partner and provide the best way to take your relationship next level.

What does the rice purity test score mean?

The score varies from 0 and 100. A score between 100 - 75 is a good rice purity score, 75-60 is the average score, and the lowest 0 is a bad score.

A brief explanation of the score is as follows -

  • A score between 100 to 98:It means you are entirely pure. Significantly few people fall into this category.

  • A score between 97 to 94:It means you are pretty pure. People with this score are done an activity like holding hands or kissing their partner.

  • A score between 93 to 77:It means you are averagely pure. You have probably committed to loving truely or have moved to next.

  • A score between 76 to 45:It means your innocence is tainted. You have made lots of bad addiction stuff and legal troubles.

  • A score between 44 to 9:It means your purity is very tainted. You have perhaps consumed bad addiction stuff, broke the rules, and experienced physical bonding with your partner in public.

  • A score between 8 to 0:It means your purity is terrible. You have committed wild acts, including paying for physical bonds, breaking the rules, consuming bad addiction, and many more.

Why should I take the rice purity test?

  1. To determine the level of purity and maturity

  2. Increase the bonding between your partner.

  3. Know good and bad about your partner

  4. Test the loyalty of your partner.