Uploaded image is screen capture. The original image is stack image with red and green channels. The left image of uploaded file is green channel (cells). The center and right image are red channel with ROI (cell shape). The center image is just after overlapped ROI with red channel. The right image is after drawing ([Edit]>[Draw]) for fixing ROI.

Firstly, I extracted bacterial area with [Adjust]>[Threshold] and [Edit]>[Selection]>[Create Selection]. Then, I registered ROI [Analyze]>[Tools]>[ROI Manager]>[Add].

After selection red channel image, I selected the registered ROI (the center image I uploaded). In this time, ROI was shown with cyan color. Then, I did DRAW ([Edit]>[Draw]) in order to save image with ROI. But, after DRAW, ROI line was shown with red color (the right image I uploaded).

Color Drawing

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I use red color for all questions when taking notes (handwriting/tablets/pens), but quite often I forget to change pen color to red. If that happens, I'll select the question -> right-click -> pen properties -> pick red color.

i have a program similar to paint. and that i am trying to implement a change pen color however when i change the color, everything currently drawn is changed to the color RED for example in my program,how can i make it such that it will not repaint everything currently drawn to the currently changed color?Below code will compile and run


You've mentioned in a comment that you're not familiar with BufferedImage, and are looking for another way. I suppose you could create a class that holds an ArrayList of Points together with a Color, and then on each mouseReleased create an object of this class and add it to an ArrayList in your drawing panel. Then your paintComponent method could iterate through that ArrayList, drawing the list of Points with their associated color, but my gut tells me that you're an intelligent guy and that you'd pick up on how to use a BufferedImage in no time. I really think it's the best solution. And if you try it and it flops, show us your code, and we'll likely be able to help you.


The BufferedImage constructor will need the image width, height and an image type -- something I'm not 100% familiar with. I usually use BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB for general purpose drawing, and BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB for general purpose that needs an alpha too. Then you'll extract a Graphics object out of the BufferedImage, say getGraphics() if all you need is a Graphics object and not a Graphics2D object. Then when you initialize the BufferedImage in your constructor, fill it with a Color.white, just as you for your JPanel. Then dispose the Graphics object. Then each time you want to draw, you getGraphics, draw with it, just like you do in the paintComponent method, dispose of the Graphics when done, and finally draw the BufferedImage in the paintComponent via the drawImage method.


Example program that doesn't do quite what you are trying to do but does illustrate use of a BufferedImage with drawing. This program changes the color each time a new path or curve is drawn.

We recently changed from Creo2 to Creo4. I prefer a black background for working in drawing mode and sketcher, already know how to do that. But now the colors of the model in the drawing, text, dimension lines, tables etc. are all quite dark. How to change these colors to yellow/green/any brigh color?

This would also be useful within a single drawing when there are multiple veiws of the same assembly. eg. PartA would always be drawn in Red, PartB would always be green. This would really help distinguishing between parts in complex assemblies. (Which I realise can be done manually but I think it could be done faster with less chance of making mistakes.) Currently, I colour all the parts, but then if I make an additional view, and the new veiw is all in black and needs to be re coloured.

In cloudy drawings with a lot of parts it is difficult to recognize the one part from the other, in particular when it is an overall drawing view with a lot of parts/subassembly's, baloons, parts lists.

I have found that if I drill down to the part level, and change the color of the parts, they will update in the existing views...but that is a pain in the ass, having to change the color on each individual part.

Thanks for this answer, which certainly solves the problem in Draw. I am quite new to Draw, but the same issue has long bugged me in Writer. I fondly hoped that fixing the Draw defaults would apply to Writer as well, but alas it is not so. Is there an equivalent way of fixing the drawing object defaults in Writer?

If you want the lines to be a custom color go to the Annotate Tab > Edit Layers > New... > change Color and Line Type, Weight etc. > Save and Close. In drawing select lines, go to the Format area and set the lines to this new layer.

It appears that you are asking about filling in an region of a 2D sketch in a part file (*.ipt). I think this is a bit different than what everyone thought you were asking about, due some confusion over your use of the term "drawing".

What you show is not considered a drawing in Inventor, but instead it is considered a sketch in a part file. A drawing in Inventor is an *.idw or *.dwg file, that you use to create views and annotation to a model file, such as a part (*.ipt) or assembly (*.iam).

When I close the Color Display Mode icon, the line color will revert back to the default color set in Tools > Options > Color > Dimensions, Not imported (Driven) option.

Generally, when drawings for utility patent applications are required, they must be black and white line drawings. Color drawings are permitted when they are the only practical medium to disclose a claimed invention and even then an applicant must petition the USPTO to accept them. This petition, along with the color drawings, is typically filed by paper. The USPTO, however, permits the electronic filing of color drawings via EFS-Web. This post explains how to electronically file color drawings, and presents examples of electronically and paper filed petitions.

The Rules for Drawings

The requirements and Rules for patent drawings are substantially set forth in Section 608.02 of the MPEP, which should be a primary reference in the preparation of patent drawings.

Filing Color Drawings Via EFS-Web Avoids the Requirement for Three Sets of Color Drawing Sheets

37 CFR  1.84(a)(2) expressly states that three sets of the color drawings are required when petitioning for the acceptance of color drawings. Nonetheless, the USPTO advises that it will dispense with this requirement when the color drawings are filed electronically. (See Legal Framework for EFS-WEB dated May 20, 2010, Section H). Therefore, only one set of the color drawings is necessary when filing via EFS-Web. Dispensing with the requirement for three sets of color drawings, in turn, facilitates the electronic filing of petitions under 37 CFR 1.84(a)(2).

Applications and Proceedings in which Color Drawings May Be Filed via EFS-Web

Color drawings may be submitted via EFS-Web in most types of applications and proceedings, including:

Color drawings have been submitted in this application. The color drawings are necessary as the only practical medium by which aspects of the claimed subject matter may be accurately conveyed. For example, the claimed invention relates to imaging systems and the color drawings are of environments with various levels of visibility, which are necessary to illustrate features of the claims.

The patent or application file contains at least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawing(s) will be provided by the Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee.

The present application is submitted with a color drawing. This Petition is submitted to request acceptance of the color drawing as the only practical medium by which aspects of the subject matter sought to be patented in this application may be accurately conveyed. Specifically, drawing sheet 2/2 bears FIG. 2, which is a color drawing.

1. Black and white photographs, like color drawings, are not ordinarily permitted in utility patent applications. The USPTO will accept black and white photographs, however, when the claimed invention is not capable of being illustrated in an ink drawing or where the claimed invention is shown more clearly in a photograph. Common examples include photographs of cell cultures and crystalline structures.

Blaine, your observation is correct. The Rule states that color drawings are not permitted via EFS. Yet, the legal framework I mention seems to supersede the Rule. One reason might be that the Rule (I believe) was last modified six or seven years ago. In any event, the USPTO now accepts color drawings filed via EFS and actually encourages them.

Hi everyone, I was wondering if is it possible to change background color in the drawing view as I would prefer to have a gray backround just like in the camera view.

Please let me know! Thank you very much

The color of each pixel is represented as a 32-bit number: 8 bits each for alpha, red, green, and blue (ARGB). Each of the four components is a number from 0 through 255, with 0 representing no intensity and 255 representing full intensity. The alpha component specifies the transparency of the color: 0 is fully transparent, and 255 is fully opaque. To determine the alpha, red, green, or blue component of a color, use the A, R, G, or B property, respectively. You can create a custom color by using one of the FromArgb methods.

Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the KnownColor enumeration. e24fc04721

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