
We have a spot for you to help! Choose a description and click the sign-up button.

Display: Lend your nativities, decor, or art (Wed-Sun Dec. 6-10)

The Nativity display is nothing without your nativity sets. We display nativities of all origins and sizes. Nativity-themed wall hangings, tree ornaments, and framed artwork depicting the life of Jesus Christ are all needed.

Sign-up to lend your nativities. Drop-off the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 6 or all day Thursday, Dec. 7. Pick-up Sunday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. or Monday, Dec. 11 between 9-11 a.m.

Contact Julie Hawkins at 907-841-3977 with any questions or for help with signing up. 

Nativity Check-In & Check-Out, Clean-Up (Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, Monday)

We need help to process the nativity sets and decor that are brought in by community members. Because many of these sets are fragile and irreplacable, these shifts are for adults and teens over 16 years old, no small children please.

Check-in Attendants log in sets, make sure each is numbered and labeled, and put them into flats by set. Training begins promptly at the start of your shift. 

Runners take each nativity to the room indicated by the Set Director. This job requires freqent walking, lifting & bending.

Check-Out Attendants are stationed in each room Sunday night and Monday morning to ensure that people collect the correct items at pick-up. Training begins promptly at the start of your shift.

Clean-Up crews will take down room decorations beginning late Monday morning after the nativity scenes have been picked up. Tasks include folding fabric, winding lights, moving boxes, organizing & storing items for next year. All ages welcome. Children must be supervised by an adult in your group.

Interact: hospitality volunteers welcome guests during the event (Dec. 8-10)

Greeters are stationed in each of the chapel foyers. This is a great spot for those who like to interact with the public! Sign up with a friend or spouse and enjoy your shift as you greet visitors, help direct volunteers, and answer questions. They also pass out Eye Spy Nativity search sheets to children and give candy canes to those who complete them.

Room Hosts help protect the nativity sets on display. The security of the event and safety of community nativity sets on loan is one of our highest priorities. Each area has assigned volunteers to act as room hosts. 

Hosts welcome visitors and ensure that the room is not left unattended. They encourage inquisitive guests to "look with your eyes and not with your hands." Room Hosts can also help give hints to young guests if one of the nativities from the Eye Spy Scavenger hunt is on display in their room.

Nourish: Provide food & snacks to sustain volunteers (Dec. 8-10)

Our room coordinators and volunteers put in countless hours to make the Nativity happen. Sign up to bring food so they can replenish their energy and keep on working!