Event Schedule

Friday, January 8, 2021

(All times are EST)

8:30-9am: Welcome & Opening Remarks

Ritika Prasad, University of North Carolina - Charlotte and Corinna Zeltsman, Georgia Southern University

9-10:30am: Panel 1 Mediation & Communities

Michael Ng, University of Hong Kong

"Geopolitics of Print Censorship in Colonial Hong Kong during the Interwar Period"

Philip Janzen, University of Florida

"Tension on the Railways: Newspapers, Colonial Ideology, and West Indian Identity"

Hansun Hsiung, Durham University

"“The Printers Fear the Invasion of the Yellow Peril”: Job Printing in the Transimperial Pacific"

Ahona Panda, University of Chicago

"The Muslim Periodical: Print and Identity in Twentieth-Century Bengal"

Comment: Chelsea Stieber, Catholic University of America

11am-12:30pm: Panel 2 Practices & Practitioners

Lucie Ryzova, Birmingham University

"The Social Landscapes of Print in Colonial Egypt"

Hwisang Cho, Emory University

“Written Words Under Duress: Textual Technologies of Korea in Colonial Context.”

Riley Linebaugh, Justus-Liebig-Universität

"Operation Legacy and the Struggle over Kenya’s Colonial Archives (1952-1972)"

Comment: Ismay Milford, University of Edinburgh

Saturday, January 9

9-10:30am: Panel 3 Power & Disputation

Kathryn Schwartz, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

"An End Overcome by a Beginning: The Diminishment of the Khedivate, the Fading Away of Its Print Culture, and the Rise of Debates Over Society’s Direction in Colonial Egyptian Print"

Gabriela Goldin, Duke University

“Por inquietador de la República” Politics and censorship in colonial Mexico in the case of Alzate’s gazettes."

Jeremy Dell, University of Edinburgh

“A Family Affair: Printing Families and Textual Authority in the 20th -century Muridiyya”

Ngozi Edeagu, University of Bayreuth

"Mediating the News in Colonial Nigeria: Students, Newspapers and ‘Non-Disruptive’ Modes of Protest"

Comment: Katharina Oke, University of Graz

11-12:30 Closing Discussion

Closing remarks: Emma Hunter, University of Edinburgh