
in honor of

Hans Föllmer and Peter Imkeller

9th-10th June 2022 in Berlin

Hans Föllmer

A "Festkolloquium" in honor of Hans Föllmer and Peter Imkeller will be held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 9th-10th June 2022. On the occasion of the 80th birthday of Hans Föllmer and the 70th birthday of Peter Imkeller we will have a scientific workshop with distinguished guest speakers who will present recent developments in stochastic analysis. With a year delay, we are very delighted that the colloquium can finally take place in person at the ceremonial hall of the Humboldt Graduate School and that we can welcome the following plenary speakers:

Peter Imkeller

Organizing Committee

  • Stefan Ankirchner

  • Peter Bank

  • Jean-Dominique Deuschel

  • Ulrich Horst

  • Ilya Pavlyukevich

  • Nicolas Perkowski

  • David Prömel