

Collins, T., Zhu, E. & Rateau, P. (2024). The Neural Representation of Stereotype Content. Scientific Reports, in press.


Luo, J. & Collins, T. (2023). The representational similarity between visual perception and recent perceptual history. Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (20) 3658-3665; DOI:

Collins, T. & Rateau, P. (2023, January 10). Serial dependence of social evaluations in brain and behavior. Open Science Framework pre-registration:

Barne, L.C, Giordano, J., Collins, T. & Desantis, A. (2023). Decoding trans-saccadic prediction error. Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (11) 1933-1939. DOI:


Collins, T. (2022). Serial dependence tracks objects and scenes in parallel and independently. Journal of Vision.DOI:

Collins, T. & Rateau, P. (2022). La Psychologie: théorie et méthode. Paris: Dunod.
* Pour cet ouvrage, TC et PR ont obtenu le prix Dagnan-Bouveret 2023 de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques 

Barne, L.C, Giordano, J., Collins, T. & Desantis, A. (2022). Decoding trans-saccadic prediction error. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2022.03.21.485172



Collins, T. (2021). Serial dependence occurs both at the level of features and on integrated object representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Duyck, M., Collins, T. & Wexler, M. (2021). Visual continuity and alterations in time perception during blinks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.



Collins, T. (2020). Serial dependence alters perceived object apperance. Journal of Vision. DOI: 10.1167/jov.20.13.9

Desantis, A., Tong, A.C.H., Collins, T., Hoogendorn, H. & Cavanagh, P. (2020). Decoding the temporal dynamics of covert spatial attention using multivariate EEG analysis: contributions of raw amplitude and alpha power. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnhum.2020.570419



Collins, T. (2019). The perceptual continuity field is retinotopic. Scientific Reports.

Eymond, C., Cavanagh, P. & Collins, T. (2019). Feature-based attention across saccades: pop-out in color search is spatiotopic. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.

Balp, R. P., Waszak, F. & Collins, T. (2019). Remapping versus visual short term memory in visual stability across saccades. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.



Collins, T., Andler, D. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2018). La cognition: du neurone à la société. Paris: Gallimard.

Duyck, M., Wexler, M., Castet, E. & Collins, T. (2018). Motion masking by stationary objects: A study of simulated saccades. i-Perception, 9 (3).

Joosten, E.R.M. & Collins, T. (2018). Probing trans-saccadic correspondence using reverse correlation. Journal of Vision, 18 (10). doi:10.1167/18.3.10.

Paeye, C., Collins, T., Cavanagh, P. & Herwig, A. (2018). Calibration of peripheral perception of shape with and without saccadic eye movements". Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80 (723).

Massendari, D., Lisi, M., Collins, T. & Cavanagh, C. (2018). Memory-guided saccades show effect of perceptual illusion whereas visually-guided saccades do not. Journal of Neurophysiology.



Jacquet, P.O. & Collins, T. (2017). TMS over posterior parietal cortex disrupts trans-saccadic visual stability. Brain Stimulation.

Maus, G. W., Duyck, M., Lisi, M., Collins, T., Whitney, D., & Cavanagh, P. (2017). Target displacements during eye blinks trigger automatic recalibration of gaze direction. Current Biology, 27(3), 445-450.



Paeye, C., Collins, T. & Cavanagh, P. (2016). Trans-saccadic perceptual fusion. Journal of Vision.

Collins, T. (2016). The spatiotopic representation of visual objects across time. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.

Duyck, M.,Collins, T., Wexler, M. (2016). Masking the saccadic smear. Journal of Vision, Vol.16, 1. doi:10.1167/16.10.1.

Eymond, C., Cavanagh, P. & Collins, T. (2016). Feature-based attention across saccades and immediate post-saccadic selection. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78 (5), 1293-1301.

Krueger, H.M., Collins, T., Englitz, B. & Cavanagh, P. (2016). Saccades create similar mislocalizations in visual and auditory space. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Alahyane, A., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Tailhefer, C., Collins, T., Fagard, J. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2016). Development and learning of saccadic eye movements in 7-to 42-month-old children. Journal of Vision.



Malassis, R., Del Cul, A. & Collins, T. (2015). Corollary discharge failure in an oculomotor task is related to delusional ideation in healthy individuals. PLoS One, in press.



Collins, T. (2014). Trade-off between spatiotopy and saccadic plasticity. Journal of Vision, 14(12):28.

Wexler, M. & Collins, T. (2014). Orthogonal steps relieve saccadic suppression. Journal of Vision, 14(2):13, 1-9.



Collins, T. (2012). Probability of seeing increases saccadic readiness. PLoS One, 7(11).

Collins, T. & Wallman, J. (2012). The relative importance of retinal error and prediction in saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology,107(12):3342-8.



Heed, T., Gründler, M., Rinklieb, J., Rudzik, F.H., Collins, T., Cooke, E. & O'Regan, J.K. (2011). Visual information and rubber hand embodiment differentially affect reach-to-grasp actions. Acta Psychologica, 138(1):263-71. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.07.003.

Lavergne, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Exploring and targeting saccades dissociated by saccadic adaptation. Brain Research, 1415:47-55.



Collins, T. (2010). Extraretinal signal metrics in multiple-saccade sequences. Journal of Vision, 10(14). DOI: 10.1167/10.14.7

Nicolas, S., Collins, T., Gounen, Y. & Roediger, H. L. (2010). The influence of suggestibility on memory. Commentary on Binet, A. & Henri, V. (1894/2010). Natural suggestibility in children. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(2), 399-400.

Lavergne, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). Adaptation of within-object saccades can be induced by changing stimulus size. Experimental Brain Research, 203(4), 773-80

Collins, T., Heed, S. & Röder, B. (2010). Visual target selection and motor planning define attentional enhancement at perceptual processing stages. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5;4:14. full text

Collins, T., Heed, S. & Röder, B. (2010). Eye movement driven changes in the perception of auditory space. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72(3), 736-746.



Collins, T., Heed, S., Doré-Mazars, K. & Röder, B. (2009). Presaccadic attention interferes with feature detection. Experimental Brain Research, 201(1):111-7.

Collins, T., Rolfs, M., Deubel, H. & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Post-saccadic location judgments reveal remapping of saccade targets to non-foveal locations. Journal of Vision, 9, 1-9.

Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2009). La plasticité de la transformation sensori-motrice dans le système visuel : l’adaptation saccadique. L'Année Psychologique, 109, 509-549.



Collins, T., Schicke, T. & Röder, B. (2008). Action goal selection and motor planning can be dissociated by tool use. Cognition, 109, 363-371.

Lavergne, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). The planning of a sequence of saccades in pro- and antisaccade tasks : Influence of visual integration time and concurrent motor processing. Brain Research, 1245, 82-95.

Collins, T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Delisle, L. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). Visual versus motor vector inversions in the antisaccade task: A behavioral investigation with saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, 2708-2718.

Collins, T., Semroud, A., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). Saccade dynamics before, during and after saccadic adaptation in humans. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49(2), 604-612.



Collins, T., Doré-Mazars, K. & Lappe, M. (2007). Motor space structures perceptual space: Evidence from human saccadic adaptation. Brain Research, 1172, 32-39.

Collins, T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Beauvillain, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2007). Saccadic adaptation depends on object selection: evidence from between- and within-object saccadic eye movements. Brain Research, 1152, 95-105.



Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Bohacova, K. & Beauvillain, C. (2006). The use of recurrent signals about adaptation for subsequent saccade programming depends on object structure. Brain Research, 1113, 153-162.

Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2006). Deux populations de refixations lors de la lecture de mots longs. L'Année Psychologique, 106, 5-22.

Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2006). Eye movement signals influence perception: Evidence from the adaptation of reactive and volitional saccades. Vision Research, 46, 3659-3673.



Doré-Mazars, K. & Collins, T. (2005). Saccadic adaptation shifts the presaccadic attention shift. Experimental Brain Research, 162, 537-42.

Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2004). Decision and metrics of refixations in reading isolated words. Vision Research, 44, 2009-2017.