Upgrading your home's electrical panel is a crucial step towards ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with modern electrical standards. This guide delves into the importance of electrical panel upgrades, focusing on the comprehensive solutions offered by Schneider Electric, and the critical need for replacing outdated panels, such as those from Federal Pacific.

Understanding Electrical Panel Upgrades

Electrical panel upgrades involve several key steps to enhance the electrical system's capacity, safety, and functionality. Here's what the process typically entails:


A thorough evaluation of the existing electrical panel is essential to identify any capacity issues, signs of wear, or safety concerns. This step determines the need for an upgrade and the scope of work required.

Capacity Planning

Upgrading may involve increasing the panel's capacity to accommodate current and future electrical demands. This can be achieved through installing a larger panel or adding subpanels.

Component Replacement

Critical components like circuit breakers, bus bars, and wiring may need replacement to meet the latest safety and efficiency standards.

Safety Upgrades

Incorporating modern safety devices, such as GFCIs and AFCIs, is a key aspect of panel upgrades, ensuring protection against electrical hazards.

Integration with Smart Technologies

Schneider Electric's solutions often include smart technology integration for enhanced energy management and system monitoring.


Ensuring the upgraded electrical panel complies with current electrical codes and standards is paramount for safety and legality.

Professional Installation

Qualified electricians should always perform panel upgrades to guarantee the work is safe, effective, and up to code.

The Danger of Federal Pacific Panels

Many homes built in the 1970s and 80s are equipped with Federal Pacific Panels, which have since been found to pose significant safety risks, including the potential for power surges and electrical fires.

Recognizing the Signs of Trouble

If you experience flickering lights, frequent breaker trips, the need to turn off appliances to use others, or detect the smell of burning wires, it's time to consider an electrical panel upgrade.

Choosing the Right Replacement

Opting for a high-quality replacement panel is crucial. Schneider Electric offers a range of reliable and efficient electrical panels and components that meet the latest safety standards.

Why Upgrade Your Electrical Panel?

Upgrading your electrical panel is not just about meeting current standards; it's about ensuring your home is safe, your electrical system is efficient, and you're prepared for future technology integrations.

Enhanced Safety

A modern electrical panel reduces the risk of electrical fires and other hazards, providing peace of mind.

Increased Capacity

Upgrading allows for the addition of new appliances and technologies without overloading the system.


Modern panels can accommodate smart home technologies and renewable energy sources, making them a smart investment.


Electrical panel upgrades are a critical aspect of home maintenance and safety. By choosing Schneider Electric for your upgrade, you're opting for reliability, safety, and forward-thinking technology integration. Don't wait for signs of trouble; proactively upgrading your electrical panel can save you from potential hazards and ensure your home meets today's electrical demands.


Why are Federal Pacific panels considered dangerous?

How often should I upgrade my electrical panel?

What are the signs I need an electrical panel upgrade?

Can I install a smart electrical panel myself?

What are the benefits of integrating smart technology into my electrical panel?