Our Care Package Arrived!

After a year of waiting and transiting, our boxes arrived in Togo in December, 2024. Unpacking day was like Christmas with the girls excitedly picking out soccer cleats and suiting up in new socks, shin guards, and jerseys and kicking and bouncing around the new balls.

See the thank you letter from School Director, Sister Marie-Claire below (translated into English).

Supply Drive thank you from Sister Marie-Claire

We are pleased to share that the Northfield Community has again been extremely generous with their time, talents, and materials.

With the help of the St. Olaf Volleyball Team, the Northfield Girls Basketball Association 6th grade girls team and friends, the Northfield Soccer Association, Planet Soccer, the Northfield Hospital and Clinics, Champion Sports, and many individuals, we sent the following items to Togo:

Socks - 533 pairs

Shoes - 108 pairs

Uniform Jerseys - 208

Balls - 77

Equipment (air pumps, nets, practice pinnies, clipboards, etc.) - 164 items

Personal Protection (shin guards, knee pads, goalie gloves) - 56 items

Athletic clothing (non-uniform) - 549 items

Basic medical supplies - 30 boxes

Handwritten encouragement cards - 172 cards

Staff at College Monfant distributed the items to students and programs who need them most. 

Thank you again for your generosity and for making our 2023 Supply Drive a smashing success!

St. Olaf volleyball team writing encouragement cards.

Northfield Girls Basketball Association 6th grade girls team packing supplies.

St. Olaf volleyball team packing event group photo.

Boxes and suitcases ready for shipment.