About Us

Old Main, Pennsylvania State University main campus in State College.

The National Center for Higher Education Access is an independent higher education access organization founded by Dr. Faith Okpotor and dedicated to the idea that higher education should be available to all who want it.

We provide a life-transforming service, particular for students for whom higher education and its processes, unwritten rules, and culture remain opaque.

Our mission is to democratize access to higher education by helping particularly historically excluded (first generation, black, indigenous, other people of color, immigrant, etc) students gain admission into college and graduate school with full funding and avoid debt so that they can start their professional lives on a firmer financial footing.

We envision a world in which all qualified applicants who want to can receive a higher education degree without incurring hundreds of thousands of dollars in education debt.

Learn more about how we accomplish our mission through our programs and services, and read samples of our newsletter and subscribe.

Not quite ready to apply for CFF College Fully Funded? Start with our FREE 10-Steps to College Fully Funded Checklist to get started.