Invited Speakers

  1. Kevin Painter (Politecnico di Torino)

Title: Individual and collective navigation within noisy and turbulent marine environments. Abstract

  1. Dante Kalise (Imperial College of London)

Title: Flocks, mills, and platoons: from ad-hoc design to optimality-based formulation. Abstract

  1. Pierre Degond (Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse)

Title: Geometry and topology in collective dynamics models. Abstract

  1. Marie-Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick)

Title: Mean-field models for segregation dynamics. Abstract: TBC.

  1. Heiko Hamann (University of Lübeck )

Title: From individual to collective behavior: Langevin/Fokker-Planck, population coding, and system scalability. Abstract

  1. Maria Bruna (University of Cambridge)

Title: TBC Abstract: TBC

  1. Roderich Gross (University of Sheffield )

Title: On controlling self-organised aggregates of exceedingly resource-constrained robots. Abstract: TBC

  1. Hugues Chaté (CEA-Saclay)

Title: TBC Abstract: TBC

  1. Matan Yah Ben Zion (Tel Aviv University)

Title: How to debug a swarm using non-equilibrium statistical physics. Abstract

  1. Andrea Bertozzi (University of California)

Title: The challenges of modeling pandemic spread with early time data, finite size populations, and opinion dynamics. Abstract

  1. Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University)

Title: From individuals to collectives and back: Perspectives from Evolutionary Robotics. Abstract