Donation for Ukraine


After almost 2 months of intensive collection and more than 70 trucks sent to our site in Poland, we announce the closing of the collection :

Friday, April 15, 2022

We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts the 250 volunteers who took part in sorting the donations we received in huge quantities. These moments will remain forever engraved in our minds!

We also thank the donors who made it possible for us to finance these shipments thanks to the collaboration of the Rotary Club District 1770.

Thanks to the SAFRAN teams for their precious help throughout this operation, but also to SENNDER for their professionalism in the logistic management.

The community of Seine et Marne and more particularly that of VIllaroche has shown that solidarity and mutual aid are at the heart of our territory.

The thanks are so numerous...


BRAVO and thank you all !!!


Since March 1st, in order to help and support the Ukrainian refugees who are rushing to the Polish border, we have been organizing an emergency collection.

To help them, Damien MARC CEO of JPB Système, has set up a real logistic bridge between his premises in Seine-et-Marne

and his Polish factory located near the Ukrainian border in the Rzeszów area.

Katarzyna, the site manager on site, helps coordinate the reception of the women and children, who arrive in large numbers. This is one of the most important arrival points of refugees in Poland today.

We collect donations from all over France and even from neighboring countries and transport them by truck to Rzeszów. Once there, the goods are stored in a 3000 m2 warehouse next to our Polish site, and distributed directly to the associations that take care of the refugee populations, especially women and children.

Do you also want to help?

Find all the information to help us in this page

Thank you for your support!

I want to send


We have a total surface area of 2500 m2 on the Villaroche airfield where we receive and sort the numerous individual or professional

donations with the help of volunteers.

The demand is enormous but the work of sorting is just as much hard.

That's why we keep a very clear list of the items we are most looking for!

You can find it here :




To ease


We have set up a pallet or package labeling system.

If you are preparing shipments, please use the following references:

A1 : Clothes

C2.1 : Food (non-perishable)

C2.2 : Children's food

C3 : Reusable dishes

D1 : Medical equipment

D2 : Hygiene products

F1 : Other (cold equipment, ...)

Or use our ready-to-print documents here :

You'd like to give

a helping hand?

We need volunteers on the ground to sort and prepare the next transports.

We welcome you on the Villaroche airfield from 9am to 5pm (MONTEREAU SUR LE JARD) on weekdays.

You wish to join us to realize a beautiful voluntary action?

I want to support the action !

You are a company and you want to help the hundreds of thousands Ukrainian's women and children who are rushing to Poland in a concrete way?

We propose you to sponsor a truck! 1 truck = 1500€

We are going to need many trucks! Because donations in kind are pouring in!

You will find below the link to register your information and make your transfer.
This one will be managed directly by the
Rotary International District 1770 with whom we decided to articulate
the collection around a fund dedicated to our Ukraine operation.

Rotary will take care of issuing the documentation for the tax exemption side (French Company Only).
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.


109 420€


64 Trucks

Warehouse location

Aérodrome de Melun-Villaroche

Collecte Ukraine - JPB Système

77950 Montereau-sur-le-Jard

Some nice picture from our photograph and volonteer

Thanks again to all those who support us

or have already supported us!


Other actions of this kind exist on the territories.

For more information, do not hesitate to visit the platform

launched by the French government at the following address