Adriatic Figs

Adriatic figs have green skin with red interior. Many of them have a berry-like taste similar to strawberry or raspberry jam. They make great jams or can be enjoyed fresh just as well. Most adriatic figs taste similar. Every gardener should at least own one fig of this flavor profile. 

Ischia Green

A simple, delicious green fig from Europe that can be grwon in a container for those growing in small spaces. Ideal for southern gardens. 

LSU Strawberry

There is a whole lot of controvery around this fig. It was never an unofficial release of the LSU fig breeding program, but is said to be grwoing on the property. Maybe we will be able to compare it to some of the others in this group soon. 


This green and yellow striped fig is a show-stopper in both appearance and taste. Also calleed the tiger fig, it has a strawberry red interior. 


This fig is often said to be the same as Ischia Green. They look and taste very similar with strawberry color and flavor.