Academic Services

Editorial Roles

British Accounting Review 

Ad hoc referee for the following journals:

-   Journal of Accounting Research

-   The Accounting Review

-   Contemporary Accounting Research

-   Review of Accounting Studies

-   Journal of International Business Studies

-   Journal of Management Studies


-   Accounting in Europe

-   Accounting and Business Research

-   British Accounting Review

-   British Journal of Management

-   Corporate Governance: An International Review

-   China Journal of Accounting Studies

-   China Journal of Accounting Research

-   China Accounting and Finance Review

-   European Accounting Review

-   European Financial Management

-   European Journal of Finance

-   Economics Letters

-   Empirical Economics

-   Finance Research Letters

-   International Review of Financial Analysis

-   International Review of Economics and Finance

-   Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

-   Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance

-   Journal of Banking & Finance

-   Journal of Business Finance and Accounting

-   Journal of Business Ethics

-   Journal of Corporate Finance

-   Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics

-   Journal of Financial Research

-   Journal of International Accounting Research

-   Journal of International Money and Finance

-   Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation


Referee for the following funding bodies:

Austrian Science Fund


PhD examiner or committee member for

2021: PhD candidate Bo Pan (University of Sheffield)

2020: PhD candidate Tuyet Nhung Vu (University of Glasgow)

2019: PhD candidate Najeeba Alzaimoor (University of Manchester)

2019: PhD candidate Yusiyu Wang (Tilburg University)

2017: DBA candidate Naif Albaz (Cranfield University)