
Do You Know About Benefits Of Blood?

Have you ever wondered why people store the blood in the cord? What could this blood be used for? Immediately after a baby is born there is still some blood which is left in the placenta as well as the umbilical cord. Medical research has shown that this blood can be quite beneficial for the health of your family. This is why cord blood banking has developed, to help families to be able to store away this potentially lifesaving blood.

How Can It Be Extracted?

The thought about extracting the blood can seem scary. However, the process is quite quick and easy; it can be completed in less than ten minutes. This process is completely safe so you can trust the professionals to carry out everything in a safe and healthy environment. With cord blood banking Canada you will be able to store this blood for up to 22.5 years. However, with the cryo-freeze technique this blood could be stored safely for longer.

Why Is It Important?

Being able to store the blood from the umbilical cord is a very rare opportunity. This is why the several services available for cord blood banking Toronto take it so seriously. This blood can be used to treat up to 80 diseases and medical conditions such as blood disorders and even leukaemia. By storing your child’s blood from the cord you are ensuring that you child is able to have a 100% donor match should the need for it arises in the future. In fact, this can even help siblings along with the baby. The blood from the umbilical cord is one of the safest methods of treatment since the blood drawn from the child will undoubtedly be able to help the child as well as their immediate family members, because their genetic markers will share commonalities. The blood can be used only once, which is why it is treated with such care.